I have no idea what your stand is on this matter..you have gone back and forth on so many issues I can not keep up with what you believe.
You have no idea??
I will put it very bluntly so you will understand.
You said that there plenty of leper colonies in Jesus' day. Why didn't Jesus and the apostles go and empty them out?
You are misinformed, ignorant, and lied by not looking up information first.
Stop with your foolish ignorance.
I quoted for you a source that says that leper colonies did not even come into existence until
the middle ages thus could hardly have been in existence in the time of Christ.
My stand is factual. Biblical. Historical. You allow your emotions to dictate what you believe. Put down anything in writing without checking your facts. There were no colonies for Jesus to empty out.
But there are plenty of hospitals for faith healers to empty out. But they can't do it because there is no such thing as a gift of healing for today.