The biggest error in the charismatic movement is that among some it evolved into the Word of Faith heresy. Positive confession is one aspect of WOF as well as negative confession.
Very true! And it gets worse. Based on WOF is the doctrine of "little gods" that some prominent Charismatic teachers hold to (with some similarities to the Mormons. Walter Martin, the famed apologetics expert, has a whole on this chapter in
The Agony of Deceit (a book of essays by evangelical scholars on the errors of the Charismatic TV preachers, ed. by Michael Horton).
According to Martin, "Earl Paulk, Charles Capps, Robert Tilton, Kenneth Copeland, and Kenneth E. Hagin are among the leading televangelists who espouse the 'little gods' teaching" (p. 90). He then quotes Paulk: "Until we comprehend that we are little gods and we begin to act like little gods, we cannot manifest the Kingdom of God" (ibid). Then Tilton: "You are...a God kind of creature. Originally you were designed to be as a god in this world. Man was designed or created by God to be the god of this world" (ibid, 90-91). Copeland: "You don't have a god
in you,
you are one!" (ibid, 92; Copeland's emphasis).
Martin further writes, "The president of Trinity Broadcasting network, Paul Crouch, has taught this doctrine openly and once spent almost two hours attempting to convince me and three other ministers that we were 'little gods.' Many evangelical organizations, consciously or not, are helping 'savage wolves' spread such diabolical errors" (ibid, p. 93).
John MacArthur also documents this heresy thoroughly in
Charismatic Chaos, pp. 331-336. But surely I don't need any more quotes. The leaders of the Charismatic movement are teaching this terrible heresy!