The fundamental doctrinal misunderstanding on this thread is the failure to recognize what revelation is. James Orr speaks of it this way in his landmark book, Revelation and Inspiration: "It is customary to speak of the decay of faith in divine revelation, and in the sense intended, such a weakening of faith musts be acknowledged. In a wider respect, there is probably no proposition on which the higher religious philosophy of the past hundred years is more agreed than this--that all religion originates in revelation. Man can know God only as, in some way, God reveals, or makes Himself known, to man" (p. 2, emphasis in the original). So God's personal leading into His will is not mysticism, it is simply His Spirit guiding us.
When God called me to preach at age 18 by an unmistakable impression in my heart, and to be a missionary when I was 20, it was not revelation from God, and therefore not analogous to mysticism. It was based on my personal walk with God. Revelation is when God reveals things about Himself to us, and His plan for the ages, as in the Bible (special revelation) or through nature (general revelation).
The main book in recent years to weigh against God's personal leading of us is Decision Making and the Will of God, by Gary Friesen. I have books by Andrew Murray, F. B. Meyer, G. Campbell Morgan and others that defend the view I've just discussed and Charles Stanley teaches. It is not mysticism. It is simply the traditional view of God's leading, as admitted even by Friesen (who nonetheless sets up a straw man of it).
You can say that again. I also find it odd that this author/WOF speaker did not reply to my last email asking for honest evidences. I gave him quotes from Stanley's book on the Holy Spirit where he CLEARLY says that visions and experiences are to be tested with scripture. Thats from his own pen, and not from some blogger or twit creating rumors.
I am just saddened by the lack of reading comprehension by so many in todays culture. My goodness!