His church is way of the master and his name is on a Comfort book and I believe also in Hells best Kept Secret.
As I said before, I think Stanley has a solid ministry and that he has a pretty solid track record. As far as M.E., one preacher said "We all have a little bit of heretic in us," lol. No one person is likely to either be doctrinally flawless, or, satisfy everyone that they are, so while even if it were true of Stanley, that does not negate his consistent teaching concerning salvation and Eternal Security. So it makes me question the charge against him, and I doubt it is something he has actually developed. I have never seen it reflected in the teaching I have heard of him. That doesn't mean I am not missing something, that's possible, but in large part I see him ministering to a particular group, even as other ministers do, and am thankful for whatever is accomplished through him that has eternal value.
Christians have to earn a secondary salvation, through good works, in order to make into the Millennium.
That is not Millennial Exclusion, so I am not sure exactly what you mean by this.
God bless.