You don't know what you are talking about since the plaintiffs will show the court that their science courses and lab work are on a par with all other state certified and approved high schools."
Apparently not.
The school is supposed to teach biology. They teach something else and try and call it biology. The schools made the choice to teach something other than science in their science courses. They knew the possible consequences. The students and parents chose to send the kids to these schools. They should have been aware of the consequences of attending a school which does not follow the requirements of the state university system for admissions. They should take responsibility for their choices. You make your bed, you must then lie in it.
The court will decide whether a state university can use Darwinst racial theories about human origins in setting standards which discriminate against students of a particular religious background."
The only discrimination here is against poor scholarship. The schools fail to meet the minimum standards for biology. Tough. They made choices. If they want their biology courses to be accepted then they should teach biology, not a lie dressed up as a religious viewpoint. They have the right to teach the kids a lie but the university system has the right to not certify schools that do so.
And remember, even with the poor choices of the schools, the parents and the students, there are other ways for the kids to be admitted to the university system. They happen to have removed the easiest and most common path from their realm of possibilities through their choices.
I am guessing that you did not even read fully through the complaint to which you posted the link since these choices are fully spelled out. When reading it, I had a hard time believing that the lawyer who wrote it actually took the case. I sure hope he has something stronger than what was oulined in the complaint or else we will be having the court's time and money wasted on another frivolous lawsuit where the plantiffs attempt to make someone else pay for their own choices.
The UC policy of discrediting creationist teachings in highschools must be new, otherwise ACSI would have sued earlier. The reason UC is taking such drastic steps to discredit creationist teachings now is that ever since 2004 when Lubenow published his charges of scientific racism inherent in all neo-Darwinist theories and models of African Eve's people evolving from non-human African primates, more and more creationists are charging neo-Darwinist theories of human evolution as being inherently racist."
I guess you have some information that shows a direct causal connection here between Lub's waste of a good tree and the university system's decisions.