"Next we will be asked to bow down to the Great Monkey god, or else be called what?"
You will not be called anything. Maybe willingly ignorant by some, but we are all ignorant of most things. And I am not quite sure what god you think you will be asked to bow before.
The truth of the matter is that you are completely free to believe whatever you wish, right or wrong. No one is going to compel you to change your opinions. You are not going to be denied housing or employment because of your religious opinions.
But, in relation to the OP, your freedom of belief does not place you above the standards that everyone else lives under. It is not discrimination for a university to require admission standards. You do not think it discrimination if someone is denied entry because of low test scores, do you? Well, in this case, the university has decided that if you wish to gain enrollment vased on your grades, that those grades must have been earned at aschool that meets certain requirements. They have standards that they expect prospective students to have met. One of these is a science requirement. Yet some schools wish to teach something falsely called sceince and get it to count. When the university points out that you cannot teach that the lynchpin of modern biology is false and rightly expect them to allow it to count as biology, they then throw personal responsibility out the window and scream persecution. It, simply, is not.
"No science has shown that God did not create the Heavens and the Earth."
And no one here is claiming such.
"I still practice my CONSTITUTIONAL right to believe that God is GOD!"
Absolutely! We live in a wonderful, free society where anyone can belief anything. But we also must live within the rules of that society.
"Hypothesis will not change my belief in God. We have allowed too many wild ideas become a barrier to Truth."
Unfortunately, the biggest barriers to the truth in this topics seems to be those who subscribe to the YEC and the ID wild ideas which have no basis in fact and which are born from misrepresentation of what the creation shows us.
"I am tired of those that attack believers and ridicule their belief."
Yes, I am tired of those who go around and claim that those who do not interpret just as they do do not believe God and do not believe the Bible. I am tired of those who claim discrimination when they are held to standards. I am tired of those who harshly attack those who dare disagree with them and consider it an attack to point out their errors. I am tired of those who consider it ridicule when asked that there be science in their sceince classes.
"I am tired of the discrimination."
There is no discrimination to be tired of. There is personal responsibility to take.
"I am tired of being asked to worship a fake god: 'the Piltdown Man god'."
No one is asking you to worship any fake god, though you yourself choose to believe a false idea. And I am quite unsure who it is that you think worships a hoax from early last century.
"I will support these young men and women as they fight a CORRUPT system."
Good to know that when someone sets standards and sticks to them that they get labeled as corrupt. You would have thought that would be a good thing. Must not be the case if you are trying to get credit for something you did not do successfully.
"Further, I am ashamed that my country now requires Christians to deny their faith in Genesis in order to go to college."
Nope. But they actually required to have studied what they claim to have studied if they want to get in on their grades. If they wish to study a pseudoscience and call it biology, then they must use one of the other admission avenues provided to them. That way they can take the science falsely called so and still get into college. No opportunities are being denied, but they are blocking themselves from one path to get there.
"No wonder there are so many Christian professors that fear telling what they believe."
Is this more than anecdotal? Why should I bother asking? You do not have dialogue with those who disagree and you have previously shown an unwillingness to answer questions that go to the heart of your assertions.