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Christian Schools Sue State University


New Member
Originally posted by UTEOTW:
[QB] If the biology books are mentioning any form of young earth creationism or ID then they most certainly are not sound.
Why not? You write about young earth creationism and ID all the time. You even express your opinions about the inherent racism in neo-Darwinst theories, models and scenarios of human evolution in and out of Africa from time to time. Don't private and public high school teachers have an equal right to discuss the pros and cons of various beliefs, opinions, theories, models and scenarios of human origins as you and I do? Are they public servants or public slaves? Academic and religious freedom cry out for independent and free inquiry into the truth about human origins, and the state of California has no right to suppress free speech, religion or scientific enquiry in public schools, colleges and universities which are supported by public taxes and instituted for the benefit of all the people, not just a few neo-Darwinst race theorists and their 'naturally selected' academic acolytes.


New Member
Originally posted by El_Guero:
JC & MC,

Next we will be asked to bow down to the Great Monkey god, or else be called what?
First they have to make monkeys out of us by teaching our children that human beings share common ancestry with African monkeys and apes.
This they will never accomplish now that Lubenow has scientifically falsified neo-Darwinst race theories of human evolution in his 2004 edition of "Bones of Contention."

I am tired of those that attack believers and ridicule their belief. I am tired of the discrimination. I am tired of being asked to worship a fake god: "the Piltdown Man god".

I will support these young men and women as they fight a CORRUPT system.
Me too. That's why I recommend Lubenow's 2004 edition of "Bones of Contention" to anyone who wishes to scientifically label neo-Darwinst theories of human evolution in and out of Africa, racist theories.


New Member
Originally posted by El_Guero:
Further, I am ashamed that my country now requires Christians to deny their faith in Genesis in order to go to college.

No wonder there are so many Christian professors that fear telling what they believe.
I sympathize with your sincerely expressed sentiments here El_Guero, but you must see the silver lining in the clouds now that Lubenow has scientifically documented inherent racism in all neo-Darwinist theories, models, scenarios, opinions and teachings of human evolution in and out of Africa from non-human ancestors of African monkeys and apes.


New Member
Originally posted by Johnv:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by El_Guero:
[qb] Why can't we as "Christians" give support to those Christians that are being persecuted here in the United States of America?

This isn't an issue of persecution. It's an issue of whether they met the UC standards or not. </font>[/QUOTE]Oh, really? The last time I heard of a state discriminating in universities on the basis of religion and race was about 60-75 years ago in Europe.

This is not a 1st Amendment issue.
It's not only a First Amendment issue, it is also a Civil Rights issue governing all 23 amendments to our Constitutional Bill of Rights.

To say that government schools can dictate what Christians must believe in order to attend their schools is unconstitutional.
They're not. They are only requiring that the graduates meet set standards.
The state cannot set "standards" which discriminate against either students or schools on the basis of race or religion.

What if a Christian school decided that the kids should not take any math past Algebra1,?
That school would not be accredited by the state in the first place. Your analogy and comparison here is ridiculous.

The UC system is not dictating beliefs. They're dictating requisite standards.
UC's "requisite standards" are based on neo-Darwinist discriminatory racial theories of human origins though. Big difference.


New Member
"This they will never accomplish now that Lubenow has scientifically falsified neo-Darwinst race theories of human evolution in his 2004 edition of "Bones of Contention""

If this is true, then why is it that you seem completely unable to share with us just how it was flasified and instead are only able to keep repeating your "racism" mantra without regard for whether thatactually makes a difference as to whether the theory is true or not. He must not have done such a good job if as passionate an advocate as you are unable to regurgitate even a single fact, with references in the original scientific literature, in all these weeks that you have been making these claims.


New Member
Originally posted by El_Guero:
Expressing my FIRST AMENDMENT freedom not to have my faith altered by government institutions is exactly what these 17, 18, & maybe 19 year old young adults are facing. They are not old enough to 'have' to fight for their freedoms.

UC system is not setting reasonable standards.

Believing that you came from a monkey is not a scientific standard. It is a standard of faith.

Excluding students because they studied that you did not come from a monkey, is discrimination based upon the bias that you came from apes.

My bias is not UC's bias. Evidently, your bias is UC's bias.
Right on El_Guero! Good post. What neo-Darwinist racial theorists fail to realize, recognize and admit 'scientifically,' is how religiously biased, opinionated and prejudicial their so-called 'scientfic'theories of human evolution in and out of Africa really are. They offer no definition, explantion or theory of race and racism in their so-called 'scientific' studies of scientific evolutionism, yet adamantly continue to deny that their own theories are racist regarding the origins of the human race.

The scientific basis of neo-Darwinist racism is so tenous, it's almost laughable except for the fact that the goverment continues to allow such racist beliefs and theories to be promulgated in public highschools, colleges and universities at taxpayer expense.


New Member
Rather ironic, is it not? :rolleyes: [/QB]
What's ironic is how Christians don't consider neo-Darwinist attacks on their religous beliefs as a discrete form of scientific racism since religious and racial discrimination amount to the same same sort of obnoxious thing in the eyes of U.S.law.


New Member
Originally posted by TexasSky:

Your remarks to El Guero are condescending. Given that. What is your science background? Why do you feel you are in a position to declare his views wrong and your views right?
I sure hope that Daisy is not a defender of neo-Darwinist racial supremacy.


New Member
"Believing that you came from a monkey is not a scientific standard. It is a standard of faith."

There is exceedingly abundant evidence to show that humans share a common ancestor with extant monkeys and apes. The same can be said for the observation that all life on earth is related through common descent. It is undeniable. There is no other explanation for our observations that explains them nearly as well.

For some of the genetic evidence that shows our common ancestry with the apes, please see this thread.


For an example of the misrepresentations that fols like AIG will make to go against this truth, see this thread.


Here is another post that shows how AIG tells lies about what scientists says in order to try and build a case against the evidence for our human ancestors.


Here is a thread showing the links between birds and dinosaurs.


Here is one tracing the evolution of whales and its supporting evidence.


Here is mention of another recent find of a new transitional human on the line leading to humans.


Another recent fossil human.


A discussion about horse evolution. THis one is really good as a YEer actually engaged in discussion and was seeming to try and learn something.


And these are just a few recent threads on this forum having to do with just evolution. It completely excludes geology and astronomy. It barely scratches the surface of the new data that pops up every day in the research journals of the world.

And there is no, nada, zip, zilch theory from YE or ID that even makes a serious attempt at explaining these things much less any ideas that can actually do so.


New Member
Christians need to stand together against the lies of the coming genocide ...

... If your genetic structure doesn't match the ideal potatoe, then your line will be made a genetic ZERO.


New Member
Originally posted by TexasSky:
What if Christ was as quick to take the world's view of things when He walked the earth? [/QB]
Right on, TexasSky. Your post not only proves that you are from Texas, but have paid your taxes also and are entitled to equal representation in public high schools, college and institutions of higher learning such as the State University of Californy, as might be pronounced by it's current governor.

It's time to defend the Alamo by calling all neo-Darwinst theorists in public institutions racists, as Lubenow has so eloquently illustrated and documented all neo-Darwinist theorists to be in his 2004 edition of "Bones of contention."


New Member
Originally posted by TexasSky:

A significant number of highly respected scientists have pointed out numerous times that evolution has NOT passed the tests of science.

However, the moment they admit this, they are fired, banned, declared crack-pots, etc.. Oddly, their credentials never change, just the way the world talks about them.
That's obvious evidence of racism on the part of those who fired, banned or declared them to be crack-pots.

Thank God for Lubenow, who exposes modern neo-Darwinist theories and theorists for the Social Darwinist and Darwinist racists they are.


New Member
I am not so sure that Jesus was real quick to accept everything that the church leaders of His day said, either. You might could even draw a fair comparison between the Pharisees of that day with some of the YE leaders of today.


New Member
Originally posted by UTEOTW:
Is this more than anecdotal? Why should I bother asking? You do not have dialogue with those who disagree and you have previously shown an unwillingness to answer questions that go to the heart of your assertions. [/QB]
Obviously, UTEOTW has nothing to contribute to an intelligently designed scientific discussion of religious discrimination based on scientific racism here.

I would put him on my 'ignore' list if his posts were not so humerous at times.


New Member
I think I have made many posts on this thread that directly address the lack of any real discrimination in what is going on. I think it was also fair to ask if his claim was merely anecdotal or it had some basis in fact and to provide such facts if they exist. Finally, it was an accurate observation to note the multiple specific questions on this thread have been asked requesting support for some assertion or another. None have been answered. In fact, he has taken ignoring those who dsagree with him to a whole new level. Even when trying to respond to a critic, he phrases it as if he he is merely having a conversation with one of the posters who already agrees.

But I should not be surprised by YEers who refuse to engage in debate and who ignore direct requests for support of their questionable assertions. You seem to be the poster boy for avoiding any semblence of facts to support your assertions. I guess if I was headed to a gunfight with a plastic knife, I, too, my try and avoid getting cornered by those nasty little things called facts.


New Member
Originally posted by Johnv:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by TexasSky:
[qb]A significant number of highly respected scientists have pointed out numerous times that evolution has NOT passed the tests of science.
Most often, those claims are made based on the issue of "observation", selectively claiming that past evolution cannot be "observed". However, they disregard the fact that observations in the fossil record qualfy as observation. </font>[/QUOTE]Creationist 'observations in the human fossil record' though, disprove and falsify neo-Darwinist racial theories of human evolution from African monkey or ape ancestors, thus proving that neo-Darwinist theories about human ancestry are both anti-Christian and racist theories.

Further there is no violation of any constitutional rights here, nor is there any attempt to get anyone to "change" their religious beliefs.
Wanna bet? Neo-Darwinist race theorists use science as a way of intimidating and threatening Christian students and highschools who dare lable neo-Darwinist theories about human evolution as being inherently racist as Lubenow adequately documents in his 2004 edition of "Bones of Contention."

On a personal note, the only two groups of folks who have tried to get me to change my religious beliefs have been KJVOists and YEC hyperliteralists.
You're about due for another conversion by proponents of anti-neo-Darwinist race theories about the true origins of the human race.


New Member
"Creationist 'observations in the human fossil record' though, disprove and falsify neo-Darwinist racial theories of human evolution from African monkey or ape ancestors..."

There's another questionable assertion that I can easily predict will not be backed up with all those well documented facts that you claim to have at your disposal in Lub's book.

You avoided making specific references for a long time. Then you went, once, and gave a specific claim with a reference. It was easily shown that the reference said something different than what you claimed. You have not tried again.

YE and ID are intellectual failures. They have no basis in fact and no ability to account for the variety of observations of the creation.

They do make a lot of money for their leaders, however.


New Member
I think I have made many posts on this thread that directly address the lack of any real discrimination in what is going on.
Since you do not understand English, would you prefer discrimination defined in: Japanese; Spanish; French; German; Hebrew; Greek; or Russian?

descriminate: make distinctions on the basis of class or category without regard to individual merit.
Without looking at the individual students, UC has chosen to make a distinction based upon the class (no pun intended) WITHOUT regard to individual merit.

Again, I say that EACH AND EVERY Christian should stand beside these young Christians as they fight against the unfair descrimination.


New Member

Why is it that we as Christians have to defend the faith? I never thought that it would get to this state (of affairs).

Thank God Texas has not gone that liberal.

Now I understand where the liberals were that I kept hearing about.