Originally posted by TexasSky:
First - No, the objections to evoluntionary science do not all hinge on "observation." There are series questions related to physics and more recently DNA involved.
But, since you state they don't relate to any observation, they can be safely discounted as not being scientific.
Second - UTEOW - No, I won't elaborate here .I've elbaorated on it before, I've even pointed people like you to quotes and websites. The bottom line is your faith is not in God, it is in Science.
Those of us who are committed to finding out the truth no matter how it conflicts with previous prejudices find it ludicrous that you think doing this means we don't believe in God. GOD IS TRUTH!
But it does mean, of course, some traditional opinions aren't true.
So, you will most likely take the routes of others and look at the list of thousands of respected scientists who go, "evolution IS wrong," and say, "Well, they're crack pots."
I'll bet you cannot find even one thousand living scientists who go "evolution is wrong" in the sense that they deny all dna based life has a common descent. Don't count Michael Behe of "intelligent design" theory in that group, he acknowledges the common descent of life.
LAST - Ask yourself - do you, or do you not, believe the Bible is the Word of God? If you say you DO believe it is, then on SOME level you MUST accept that God is a creator. Now, you MIGHT be one who says, "He used some form of evolution to achieve that," or you MIGHT say, "He spoke the universe into existence."
Ute has on several occasions testified that he accepts Christ as his savior and God as creator, and evolution merely as a means that God used.
I don't really ~care~ how God created the world.
I do, though, know that science is theory, not fact.
And that to blindly accept everything science teaches as fact is a weakness of the ignorant.
Science is the very opposite of blind acceptance. Science takes nothing on faith, demainding evidence, and then questioning the evidence over and over until some things come to be established with confidence, such as that water is made of hydrogen and oxygen, and all life is of common descent.
The great scientists doubted, quested and were riddiculed for questioning established scientific theory. So Christians are in good company when they look beyond, "My teacher said it so it must be so."
Well, now that you've doubted, questioned and ridiculed Ute, that means he's right, too, according to this logic. In other words, reasoning like that is self contradictory, a not uncommon finding for the reasoning of those who oppose the findings of science.
Just explain to me in your picture of the universe, how DID that vitiman c making gene get damaged in exactly the same accidental way in every primate? I've got an explanation based on evolution theory - it happened by accident once in a common ancestor who wasn't bothered by it because she had lots of vitamin c in her diet anyway.
It seems to me all the alternative ideas are crazy.
The result of sin and corruption? That would be a random, chaotic thing that wouldn't put the exact same fault into every primate species.
The result of common design? Designers don't design errors, they design error free.
The result of a retroviral infection that happens to zoom into that exact same spot in the chromozone every time? Viral infections are random as to where they insert, there's nothing driving them to pick one spot over another.
A deliberate action by God to punish the living species on account of the sin of Adam? Leaves us wondering what He was thinking of when only primates were involved and dogs and cats got off scott free. And most primates don't even think its a punishment, having plent of vitamin c in their diets anyway, you know.
Well, my imagination isn't up to it. So help me out here, how DO you account for the vitamin c disabled gene facts in your view of the world?
And how many facts like that that evolution can account for but creation theory cannot would it take to persuade you that evolution is correct after all?
3 more - 10 more - a thousand more- or none will ever suffice because the mind is made up?