, Christ is still God because he assended to God and was joined with him upon death.
So, when everyone on earth ascends to God, are they God as well? When Elijah and Enoch were taken up to heaven, without dying, does that make them God? The deity of Christ has always been. He has always been God. He wasn't created. God cannot make another God. By definition, the created would be a creation, not God.
Now know this, I do take offence to your hateful lies about me, your arrogant, blind assumptions, and your misdirection of points I make for unity.
Where is this hate? JonC has been very patient. John speaks truth when he says you are creating a God in your image.
God's redemptive purpose is to open our eyes.... In following the golden rule we are right in God's eyes.
You are now making up your own plan of salvation.
I speak only of the one God. To refute my words that have literally been instilled in me by God will eventually prove quite damning. All praise is for God and God alone.
You seem to have deemed yourself a prophet. That your god has given you special revelation. How did you receive the words "instilled in me by god"?
You have also been given insight to predict the damnation (divine revelation has well?) of JonC. No less by him refuting the words of....the words of you. The prophet of a god you are creating in your image.
The error of you belief has been pointed out to you many of times with patience. It is becoming clear, you are here to not learn, but to spread your false god and false beliefs. The beliefs you hold are not only unorthodox, but are in no regards Christian. You have claimed multiple times Jesus was created by God, you present a path to salvation by following the " golden rule " which is not biblical......why are you here?
You have not considered on point of biblical truth presented to you. You offer in return things you have made up.
You need to find a Southern Baptist, Reformed Baptist, or many other Lordship salvation based churches and learn of the one true God. Find a local church and go with open mind and heart to learn. If you are sincerely search and learning.....then find a Godly man to teach you the way. To disciple you. To help you understand Scripture. Combining religions will not lead to Heaven. There is only on way to Heaven. We don't get to make up our own path to Heaven. We do not get to say, I have been given divine revelation on an alternative route to Heaven. Jesus is the way. Not the Jesus who has been created, but the Jesus that has always been. The triune God has always been. Not part has ever been created.