Well, as far as I know I have never asked you to leave the forum until you were more mature (the last interaction I recall with you was a discussion via PM on the kingdom of God). But I will try to answer your questions.
I will, of course, express my views on topics just as others express theirs on the same topics. I am glad you see a consistency in my views.
Do I believe that talking about politics is evil? No, of course not. That is what we are doing now. That is what Scripture does.
Do I believe that politics is evil? No, of course not. Politics is concerned with the affairs of a group, society or government (hence the name "politics").
Do I believe that world politics is evil? Yes, of course I do. Paul tells us that he offers no judgment on those "outside the church", Scripture tells us that the World is opposed to God, that we cannot serve the World and be fit for the Kingdom of God, that these principles and powers are "darkness", and so on.
Why do I enter discussions on the political forum? Because I can. Just as Democrats talk about the evils of the GOP and Republicans talk about the evils of the DNC, I like to talk about the holiness of the Kingdom of God and the lives that Christians should live.
If politics is so evil why do I go there? Politics is not evil (i.e., the politics or concerns of the Kingdom of God, the Church, etc.). What is evil is when we take those responsibilities (political responsibilities) and apply them to the World rather than to the Church. This is what the early church was talking about when they justified not voting, not holding office, etc. and said that their role is to do those things within the assembly, NEVER within the World.
And if you want Christians to stay out of secular politics while "politics is essential" what is Christian politics like? First of all, context matters. The point I repeatedly made was that politics is necessary. The World will be engaged in Worldly politics (politics concerned with the "powers of darkness"; "the flesh"; "the World", "Satan"). Christians should be concerned with Christian politics (the affairs of God's kingdom, of evangelism, of being a holy people, of obedience to God).
Thank you for being gracious in your reply.
Chapter and verse:
Politics vs The Kingdom
my stimulus #56
your response #58
Not "the world of man"? I am not sure what you mean here. I am talking about Christians not being of this world. By "world" I mean the principles and powers of darkness, of this world which is condemned, which is perishing...the world to which Scripture warns us not to become entangled.
I cannot explain my position any differently (sorry). So just let me repeat it here and then you can ask me to clarify which part I failed to articulate well.
I believe that Christians are wrong to engage in secular politics. Well...that's about it. That is what I have been saying. You can't serve two masters.
Now...WHY do I believe Christians should not be involved in secular politics? (this is a bonus....you didn't ask it, but probably should have). Jesus did not engage in secular politics. He engaged in the politics of the Kingdom. He did not condemn Rome or social justice issues of his day. Neither did the Disciples. Neither did the early church. NOT only that, but the early church wrote defenses of Christianity explaining why Christians refuse to vote, to hold political office, to serve in the military, etc. This changed with the RCC. Also, Scripture tells us that the World is condemned and is fading. Scripture tells us that we are not to become entangled in the affairs of the World. Scripture tells us that the World is an enemy (it is principles of darkness).