Politics and the arts and basically all areas of culture are not evil and satanic, but can become influenced by such when we refuse to engage !
Again, I said the same thing.
What makes things satanic is not the thing itself. Music can be good and glorify God. But music can also be satanic. Art can be good, and glorify God, but art can also be pornographic. Literature can be good and glorify God. And literature can be satanic.
Politics can be good and concerned with the activities of the kingdom of God, and politics can be satanic and concerned with the activities of the World.
Christians are called to be kingdom people. We are called to be in the world but not of the world.
Why would a Christian decide to influence the world to be a more moral place rather than to lead people who are in the world to Christ? Why would a Christian exchange the ministry of reconciliation with the goals of secular politics? Why would a Christian desire to see the world be a moral place, knowing that the morality would be shallow as the world is already condemned, perishing, and in opposition to God? Why clothe Satan in "light"? Why try to make the wolves wear sheep skins?