Nope, sorry, you did not answer the OP. Did Jesus come in spirit in AD 70, or physically? You still have not answered it. Apparently you are afraid to take a stand on the deity and humanity of our Lord Jesus Christ. (I hope that this is not true, but it certainly looks that way.)John - I answered your OP in several posts on page 1.
Look again at what you quoted of mine. My post that time was not about Christ's divine/human nature, but about the fact that everyone in the whole world will see Jesus at His coming. You are seriously mixed up on this thread--maybe because it is about the hypostatic union of Christ--something you admitted you had never heard of.You're using the Pharisees method when they asked Jesus trick questions. I cannot supply an answer that violate Jesus divine/human nature - the sort of answer you want so you can prove my belief false.
I have several comments here.Perhaps you didn't notice the clause in my above post:
"I am happy to leave this as a glorious mystery. We shouldn't provoke Paul's rebuke:
35 But someone will say, “How are the dead raised up? And with what body do they come?” 36 Foolish one, what you sow is not made alive unless it dies. 37 And what you sow, you do not sow that body that shall be, but mere grain—perhaps wheat or some other grain. 38 But God gives it a body as He pleases, and to each seed its own body.
John replied:
"I really have no idea what point you are trying to make about the 2nd coming with this quote about the resurrection of the saints."
People were asking questions about the resurrection body, which Paul dismissed as foolish. And you are asking questions about the resurrection body of Jesus simply to prove I am in error.
1. Do you actually think this thread is about you, that I am trying to trip up little old you? No, a 1000 times no. It is about the Lord Jesus Christ.
2. So then, you compare me to the Pharisees and yourself to Jesus?
3. You miss the point of the entire thread when you sidetrack it onto "what kind of body Jesus has in His resurrection." It is very clear that Jesus now has a resurrection body, and that it is different from His original earthly body. So the question for the preterist remains: if Jesus came spiritually but not physically in AD 70, where was His resurrection body?
It's not a difficult question if one's Christology is correct.
I see. This means that (1) you can't answer the OP, or (2) you refuse to let go of your "spiritual coming of Christ in AD 70," your preterism, no matter what the Christological ramifications are of that belief.You've had all the answers I am prepared to give.
Either way, with this statement you tacitly give me the victory in the debate.