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Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, May 13, 2005.

  1. Wife of One

    Wife of One New Member

    May 10, 2005
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    Good Morning Good Morning!

    Well it's 9:15 am and i've been home for about an hour and a half. I've been really really sick latley with a doulbe ear infection and a bad cold. Last night was my first night back to work . And, I must say I have an enjoyable evening. I didn't even see the clock go by most. When I got home I got to see my 4 little girls. I used to work days, And I really missed saying goodbye to them and sending them to school. Now, I thankfully get to do that. I go to bed about 10 and get up anywhere between 430 and 6pm. Sure they are home but, They get to wake me up. Summer is coming fast and in a week they will be out of school. They are all enrolledi n summer scholl here. And, to be honest it's a lot like a summer camp thing. They loved it last year, so I enrolled them again this year. [​IMG] For dinner tonight we're going to have BBQ'd Ribs, and all the trimmings. Sounds good dosen't it? [​IMG] ...

    Missed you guys! And, I'm glad to see you!!!

  2. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    OOoohh.....is my husband going to be MAD at me. :eek: ;) :eek:

    I brought home a cat!

    Kitten really, that they had at the pet store when I went for crickets. Someone was trying to get rid of it because it was black. It also has no tail. (Gib! Cat tails are high in fat and cholesterol! Shame on you!)

    She's only about six weeks old and it cute as a button. Son can't leave her alone and I'm blaming this all on him. I've told them all that this kitty stays inside always. Hopefully if we keep her in now she won't get the urge to escape. That would be bad considering I have 3 big dogs outside and can only trust one with a cat. (If T really has a fit, she can go live back at the pet store)

    We also came home with another hamster that was Bitsy's treat for making good grades. Kitty has had a blast trying to figure out how to get in to it.

    School is out, school is out, school is out!

    Precious' principal, had changed her tune quite a bit since Monday afternoon so there will be no more talk about Precious staying another year in 7th grade because she missed so many days due to illness.

    Got to get this house straightened up. T's sister is coming in for a visit this weekend. Then next week will start the backyard projects. T is taking off Friday and Monday so we can get prepared.

    See ya'll later.....
  3. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Well 3 gone and 3 plus Nick still here and I'm so sleepy! It'll be 6:30 or 7 before they're all gone and everyone returns between 6:15 and 7:00 tomorrow. The two new brothers may not be here Friday. They're going to Fla. for the long weekend. No one will be here Monday and Friday is Max's last day. He's the child I pick up at the elementary. I'm SO glad that chore is ending. 45 mins. to an hour each day.... idling in the car, moving an inch or two.... Friday night I'm keeping the baby of a girl graduating from high school, 5 til 11:00 ish.

    I got paid $30. for the extra baby today. That's $6.00 an hour and he was SO easy to care for. A lovely baby from a lovely family. The nurse never showed up but mom says she's pulled that a number of times. Brennan danced to 'The Donut Man' and played in a stabilized walker so he got some good exercise here.

    I MUST iron tonight! Jim doesn't have shirt or pants for tomorrow! Yawn...... and my house is NOT clean. [​IMG]

    Now they're talking RAIN again for the long weekend and I wanted to do my yard sale. VBS starts June 13th.

  4. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    No! No! No! It can't rain this weekend, we have too much to do! We want to get started on the backyard and have company. NO RAIN! NO RAIN!

    Forget ironing! I need to do laundry! Usually I do it on Sunday, but for some reason this Sunday I didn't. And I didn't Monday or yesterday and today I've only washed one load. I at least need to wash T's things.

    Here's a friend of mine driving up. We're going to embroidery something for her daughter.

    I'm totally enjoying not having to pick up at school.......
  5. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Weatherbug shows Sunday through next Wed. at least! YIKES. I agree! We need to finish our yard work!

  6. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Rain here on Monday....90% chance, or so they say! Hope not, though. We want to grill ribs for bbq!~
  7. Wife of One

    Wife of One New Member

    May 10, 2005
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    I have to work monday night so i'm going to be sleeping all day :( .. It's ok though they are paying me triple time on monday night so i'll [​IMG] and bear it!
  8. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Are you a 911 call taker, Lea? I bet they get a lot of stupid accident calls!

    I don't have to keep any kids on Monday. On Sunday, tho, I have Extended Session (again) after teaching Sunday School. I just pray it's still nice so I can take them outside!

    We have GOT to get the rest of the leaves up before the rain starts. They get so heavy that our blowers won't move them.

    I'm not supposed to have the 2 brothers on Friday or Monday. We're adjusting. The older boy has a shrill voice and both are VERY loud. They're also very dangerous and rough. They won't eat what I cook but I've been through this with another child and told mom to either make their lunches or they'll eat cooked food. Baked mac and cheese or homemade soup is GOOD food! Scrambled eggs, oatmeal, etc. for breakfast vs Coco puffs.

    Well I was ready for bed at 7:00. Someone PLEASE tell me there's something good on t.v. tonight so I'll be able to keep myself awake long enough to iron!

    Christian and Joshua at 6:15. Brayden and MacKenzie at 7:15 and Max will be here early (about 2:00) but Dad's bringing him after their end of the year party. That means I can put the other's down for naps and let them SLEEP! ;) Everyone will be here til probably 6:30 at least. Tell me to shut up tho, I'll make about $450. this week with the 2 extra children for one time care.

    Oh I need some sleep!

  9. Wife of One

    Wife of One New Member

    May 10, 2005
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    Nope I work for a trasportation company that Shuffles Railroad workers about. And, We dispatch all over the country. 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

    Your right that good cooked food is better than coco puffs anyday. I know i would love to have that in the morning. I usually end up eating ramen noodles before bed. It's one of those things I 've made a promise to myself to change.

    And you go girl, that extra money will help out [​IMG] .

    There is always law and order on [​IMG] ! Although sometimes it's heartwrenching to watch.
  10. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    We watch Law and Order every night. Is tonight the big 3 shows with the finale as the 3rd show? That would keep me awake.

  11. Wife of One

    Wife of One New Member

    May 10, 2005
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    I think it's the Criminal Intent season end. The thing is I have to leave 3/4 of the way though the show to get to work . So, I'll record it and watch it in the morning while i'm getting ready for bed. hehe .. and I thought it would be enough to keep you up [​IMG]
  12. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    I'm watching Law and Order right now and there is another one on next, but I'll be watching that in bed so I doubt I'll see the end of it because I, too, am worn out tonight!

    Pleasant dreams all!
    §ue [​IMG]
  13. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Morning all:

    Guess I just don't get the "Law and Order" thing. Can't seem to get into it. Probably because I'm not a fan of several of the actors.

    It's 46 degrees here right now. Hope it warms up a little. I've got to help the developer repaint part of a house today on the inside. It's right next door, but there's another in a second subdivision that needs repainting also. Also supposed to help him with spreading the gravel evenly in the driveway. It's been a good chance to witness to him. His neice goes to church at our church and is a very troubled young lady, but who is trying to get her life together. Anyhow, over lunch yesterday, this man starts talking about God and was sort of embarrassed to have me say grace before the meal. But, after I said that Jesus wasn't ashamed to hang on the cross and I wasn't ashamed to thank Him for the food, his attitude changed. He had never thought of it that way. I truly hope that he comes to know the Lord, or if he is saved (which he hasn't given a clear testimony of or indication of) that he'll come to know the Lord! It would be great to see him saved and serving Jesus Christ! He has so much potential. I may get to help him several days over the next few months and as the Lord opens the doors it will be great to talk to him. He usually initiates the conversation by way of a question about what the Bible says. His neice hasn't been a very good testimony to him because of some emotional problems, etc., but, she is trying, bless her heart. She's letting the Lord work in her life, and He is making the changes little by little. She, too, could be a dynamo if the Lord got ahold of her!

    Vivian was told yesterday that she might be sent home early today. If she does, she's got several things she wants to get done. I just hope Mr. G and I are through with the work that needs to be done before she gets home. I need to mow my lawn something fierce. Also have to finish preparing a sermon for the 5th Sunday sing!

    Wife of One...welcome. I don't think I've ever seen you here, but glad to have you here.

    Sue, do you have any great recipe's for salmon (fresh salmon...we bought a nice piece of it this past weekend and it's just a beggin' to be cooked!)

    God's richest blessings on you all today. Please pray my back, ears and breathing hold out while I try and be of assistance to Mr. G.

    Sleepin' and Typin',

  14. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Well I watched 1/2 of Lost and then turned to the finale of Law and Order but fell asleep pretty quickly I guess because I have no idea what it was about other than some judge got killed. I'm sure I'll see the rerun within days as much as we watch it. We just started watching it a year or so ago, Tony.

    The brothers got here at 6:15 and mom carried the little one up. He screamed like crazy but I wouldn't let her come in. He sat down on the steps inside the house and I put his brother to bed and then got his shoes and jacket off. He wouldn't stop screaming so I walked off and had Jim lean over the bannister and say 'Joshua, get in bed right this minute.' He did. He's had a really good time the last few days. I've not bonded with either of them. Worldly children who like to pretend to be black rappers.... but they've had fun. (Not in MY house!)

    Two more will be here in 30 mins. so I need to rush and shower. It's going to be a long day, again. MAYBE I can lay them all down at once and take a short nap before Max's father brings him early! Dreaming again....

    Have a great day, everyone!

  15. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning Tony and Diane:

    Tony, I've never cooked salmon like that, but I'm pretty sure there are some recipes for it, either in the BB Recipe thread or the Diet Recipe thread.

    Diane: Good luck to you girl!

    It is 59º here this morning heading for a high of 79º with rain and thunderstorms...

  16. Wife of One

    Wife of One New Member

    May 10, 2005
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    Good Morning Good Morning! Thank you T [​IMG]

    i had a fun night dispatching the east coast and part of the midwest. We were really busy. I'm not complaning though cause it made the night go be a lot faster. Anyway, I think bedtime is going to come a bit early for me today. I'm so very tired. I'm hoping I can sleep till about 6pm. My dad says he'll handle supper. I don't know what I did to deserve such a wonderful father who helps take care of things so I can hold down a full time job. He says it gives him something to do in his retirement. [​IMG] Anyway i'm not sure what he's going to make for dinner but i'm off to get left over ribs and fried potatoes ( i know calories calories but YUMMY!!!)

  17. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Well I'm already exhausted but I have 3 of the kids napping for about an hour now and don't have any plans of waking them up! LOL The baby is entertaining us with his 'games' and calling our cat 'Pup-Pee'.

    The mom of the 1 year old and MacKenzie had another surgical procedure today to see if they can 'fix' her kidney stone and extra urethra problem. She was going home to bed and Dad will pick them up anytime after 2:30. He has to work a lot of overtime and not by choice.

    The mom of the two boys (ug) had said she worked 7 - 3:30 but has 'worked late' everday this week, picking them up closer to 6:00! I asked her last night what was going on and she said this was 'normal'. 10 weeks. I can do anything for 10 weeks. 9 more to go out of the summer with the week of the 4th of July off without pay. They are SO dangerous. They watch fighting movies and are just too rough. Neither cares if I speak to them or not. They just ignore me! They've been in time out more times in 4 days than Ty, MacKenzie and Max have in a YEAR, all added together! This is going to be a LONG summer! I keep reminding myself of the TOTAL amount I'll make for keeping them 10 weeks. The boys are not supposed to be here tomorrow (please Lord) and that would be a nice break.

  18. Karen

    Karen Active Member

    Aug 24, 2000
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    You are too nice.
    If they are going to stay that much longer every day, you need to be paid more. It is rather sneaky to say 3:30 and then really mean 6:00.

  19. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    I agree with Karen about the money, Diane.

    But I also think that maybe the boys aren't listening to you because they aren't used to be talked to. Mom probably just yells and doesn't follow through. Give them some time to get off the junkfood and used to your rules and things will get easier. You may have to stop giving the warning count. Sounds like they are used to stretching Mom's count way out. Use a timer instead and give them till it dings to do what you've asked, otherwise....... :eek:

    My kids are a bit upset at me at the moment. I had to give the kitty back because she has physical problems, the extent of which wasn't apparant till this morning. I have to many animals here already to deal with one that is going to require special care(and maybe expensive vet bills). Kitty went back to the shop where she came from to try to find a home that can deal with her problems. They have a new litter that they are going to give us a kitten from in the next day or two. They had two there at the shop but both were males and I want a female.

    I'm not accomplishing anything today and I have aton to get done! Gotta go get my shoes on and get busy. See ya!
  20. mareese

    mareese Guest

    I understand completely. We used to babysit two also very wordly children, they liked to pretend they were white banjo players!