Of course not. On another site someone listed many writers before 1800 who he said were dispensationalist. Among them John Newton. Well it seems that he gathered all the names that mentioned dispensation and included them. Well those that studied at the time seemed to mention two dispensation, The Old and the New (Testaments or covenants, if you will.)
I don’t regularly visit other boards. This one satisfies what need I have to express my views, and there are good scholars on this board that I trust will with kind sincerity redirect me, especially as I grow weaker in languages and may post in error.
Therefore, I am unknowing of any list.
Many people such as Newton and Edwards used what we would term dispensations as a tool to divide the Scriptures. Personally, I would think that even the ancient scrolls reflected that thinking because they are referred to as the Law (Torah) and the prophets. Two separate groupings from different eras.
There may be good research that would document folks like John Newton and Jonathan Edwards held premillennialism views. What I have read of both would certainly show that they embraced a future millennium in which believers ruled with Christ.
I haven’t read (that I immediately recall) either of them remarking about a rapture or believers escaping the tribulation. But I could be mistaken.