The governor of my state, Michigan, has joined the other idiot Dem gov of Nevada, to ban doctors from prescribing it, & gone further to threaten pharmacists from filling prescriptions. I believe the left would do anything, even kill their citizens, to make this virus go on in an attempt to regain power. Whitmer is aspiring to much greater power with this move. She has done nothing for Mich. except be a woman with a woman gay activist AG, & her token black Lt.Governor. Her feeble attempt at fixing the roads, which was the thrust of her campaign, resulted in her recommendation of a .45 cent gas tax increase, which thankfully was defeated by the republican legislature. Even the gas tax was going to not just fix the roads, but be divided off to all of the dem must haves. Kind of like what the dems are doing with this stimulus package. They hold you hostage until they break you. I fail to see why anyone would ever willingly support their philosophy. I am ready to leave the state now, even though I am happy in my home. Dems ruin everything they get near.