The difference is:
"Didn't we have huge threads a couple of months ago in which you said God does not know the future actions of his free creatures (ie sins), because if he did then it means he determined them????"
You claimed I said God does not know the future actions of individuals, i.e. sins. He can choose to know they will sin, predestining those sins in the perfection of His knowledge. Jesus knew Peter would sin, i.e. do things that would earn wrath if not covered by God's grace.
We have been over this ground before. If God causes a person to sin, He may not punish that person for his or her "non-volitional" i.e. predestined sin. We know that God is just and this seems just to me, but it certainly is based on speculative rationalism.
Yes, God did not cause Adam to sin, but He did arrange the fall, so I agree with Pink on his assessment. The fall was part of God predetermined plan, but, and this is key, the plan was to allow Adam to volitionally sin, not compel him to do so. God provided the opportunity, i.e. tree in the garden, but He allowed Adam to choose to eat the fruit. Therefore, it is consistent with my understanding of God's justice to punish Adam for his volitional sin. And as a consequence of that just punishment the many were made sinners.
Next you referred to the "redeeming work of the Lamb" but perhaps did not mean that the phrase refers to our individual redemption. I read it as meaning our individual redemption. I certainly did not read it as asking the question did God cause the fall. The answer is God arranged the fall, but did not compel or predestine Adam choosing to sin.
Calvinism as you know does consider the "redeeming work of the Lamb" to be the redemption of elect individuals chosen before creation.
I expect you cannot say you disagree.
Lastly you do not agree with the last statement if you agree with Calvinism. Calvinism says we are saved by grace and given faith, so our faith does not provide our access to God's grace.
Does God merely react to what He foresees, or is He active, ordaining before the choice is even made?