Yet another attempt at defending Calvinism with irrational absurdity. God predestines all things yet our temptations are not predestined. Got it.
Calvinism rewrites the bible to pour the man-made doctrine into the text.
Folks, here are the Biblical answers to the questions:
God does not punish sinners for the sins He predestines because that would be unjust.
It is often claimed God does not "tempt" but the same word is also translated "test" and so the Biblical answer is God does not put people in circumstances for ungodly purposes but for godly purposes. James tells us Satan, the World and our Flesh tempt us, i.e. try to lead us off the righteous path of God.
Reformed Covenant Theology is a mistaken view of scripture, but God did formulate the plan of redemption before the foundation of the world, and therefore He "foreknew" corporately those redeemed, and Christ being put to death by the predetermined plan was according to His foreknowledge of God's plan of redemption.