They therefore are probably not created in His image after His likeness.What do you think of these qualities in angels, who, as far as I know, are never said to be created "in the image of God"?
While calvinists are opposed to the phrase "free will", personally I believe (whatever qualities others give the phrase) man has the ability to know good and evil in a different way than the angels, by the experience of evil and committing (participle) sin yet being redeemable. Not that God enters intothe realm of sin apart from the blood atonement of Jesus Christ for deliverance from sin's dominion.
I don't see "dominion" used of angels.
Mankind governmentally and socially functions apart from God (except for the church).
Redemption. Nothing in scripture concerning angel salvation.
I don't see angels called the brethren of God come in the flesh.
Are angels triune? "Our image", "Our likeness"?
Someone made the observation that angels are not spoken of as having the capacity of being filled or infilled of the Spirit.
Or that they must be born again.
Any other?
I would think that somehow these entities are probably related to mankind having been created in the image of God after His likeness.