Heavenly Pilgrim
New Member
DHK: If sin never separated a believer from God, why must the believer have a mediator, an advocate. What is the purpose of an advocate if there is no sin that separates the believer from God? Please answer.
I John 2:1
HP: I should have answered this question as well. I believe with you that sin separates the believer from God. In such a state all is not lost UNTIL one passes from this world to the next still separated by sin. Certainly we need an Advocate in this world if and when we sin, but no forgiveness is promised as we stand before God in the next in judgment unless we have taken care of the sin question in this world.
So we differ in that you have presented a view that has a believer, you say is separated or dead to God, yet in right standing before Him if in fact he was ever saved. OSAS. I say that no man, regardless of how he has stood in the past, can hold any hope out for entrance into the heavenly kingdom subsequent to the judgment that has not cleared up sins committed in this life while still alive. If a believer sins, one that at one time had a certain hope of eternal life, yet does despite that hope and willingly transgresses against known commandments of God, refusing to repent and turn from those sins in faith, such a one will find out one of two things at the judgment. Either such a one was deceived from the beginning, (which was Brother Bob’s position) or one simply turned from their faith making shipwreck of their faith. I happen to believe either one of those positions are distinct possibilities. One thing is for certain. Without fellowship with God currently and in good standing in this life, hope in eternal salvation is simply misguided hope.
To say that one can be without fellowship with God in this world, dead to God, yet somehow find themselves alive to God via OSAS, is simply a contradictory position. So far no one believing in OSAS has agreed with your stated position. You might want to ask yourself why.
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