So also do the devils believe in Christ according to James 2.
James points out that saving faith does not do one thing and believe another.
1John 2 states that those who claim to know Christ but then do not walk as He walked - are not telling the truth.
Should we believe him?
I think so.
James 2 never says "the devils believe in Christ". If it did, then it would contradict many passages that proclaim that all who believe in Christ shall be saved.
"Believing in Christ" is a phrase among US Christians who know full well that it is faith in Jesus Christ to save, which btw is a gift given us by God as the Holy Spirit indwellement(Ro 8, Eph 2). The devils have already been judged, so yes, they know who Jesus is and they know there is One God, but they have no faith in Jesus Christ.
Could you define for us what is meant by "walking as Jesus walked". If I read the scriptures correctly, Jesus walked with perfection. So how are you doing with this walk Bob? Did Jesus try His best, stumbling here and there, sinning here a little and there a little, or was He perfect? Do you ever sin Bob?
1 John 2 is speaking of Jesus' walk of love. This I always had from my rebirth at age ten. Not with perfection mind you, I'm not God, but when I failed to love my neighbour I was always convicted by the Spirit and was compelled to repent and ask for forgiveness, calling on Jesus.
So from my rebirth I walked as Jesus walked in love, even when I was living in sin my love was still evident towards others and the down trodden, the weak. When I seen a need I would help. I felt compassion for the poor and helpless.
So you didn't answer my question then Bob. I have walked as Jesus walked according to the context of 1 John for thirty five years now. I have never stopped having faith in Christ. Paul says I stand by faith and he is correct. So what should I fear? It has been thirty five years and I still believe in Jesus Christ, even through all my trails and tribulations, through my sins, through my doubts that God was still for me.
As i think back at those times where I doubted God was going to help me, guess what? I still believed in Jesus Christ! I was just having pitty parties that He wasn't concerned with helping me. So again, the "belief in Christ" never left me.
No one has never been able to tell me how I can stop believing in something, or someone, that I know is true! It's like looking in a mirror and saying to myself I do not exist. I personally know Jesus Christ is God so how can I stop believing Jesus Christ is God?
I trust that you "know" Jesus Christ is God, right Bob? So tell me how you can stop believing Jesus Christ is God? Now don't refer to the devils Bob, we all know the devils have been judged by God and they know Jesus is God. The devils have nothing to do with salvation and regeneration, this is for humans only. James is speaking about a false "said" faith. I am not refering to this kind of bogus profession of faith. I am focussing on the faith you and I have Bob. A faith that produces fruits of the Spirit, like love for one another. A faith that is settled in our hearts from rebirth, since the first time you understood Jesus is God!
How many times has Jesus worked in your life Bob? I'm sure you have many testimonies of how He spoke to your spirit or answered a prayer that it could only be from Him. I believe you know he is real, I believe you feel Him working throughout your being, even though there are times you feel He is nowhere near you.
How many years have you believed in Jesus Christ Bob? Have you ever stopped? Truly stopped?
I remember times when I was young, a teenager, and I was feeling so let down by God that I swore to myself I was not going to believe in Him anymore, He just wasn't helping my life. I even felt suicidal. But even then I was proven to believe in Him, because I was arguing with Him. Does one argue with one who they believe does not exist?
So how long has it been for you Bob? Was you ever able to stop believing in Jesus Christ? Let me ask you this way, can you ever imagine yourself stopping?
No doubt you will answer no, but you will still preach that the scripture declares it can happen.
I believe that those who teach one can stop believing in Christ after knowing Him are doing so either out of their own fears or out of a need to cause others to fear in order to keep them towing the line so to speak.
I'll tell you, I have no fear of losing my salvation and I do not say that boastingly. I simply know there is nothing I can do to stop believing in that which I know is true. And as Paul said, "ye stand by faith" and "it is the gift of God". Praise Jesus!