The Job passage attributes the destruction to God Himself and to God alone...and this from Job's lips. So regardless of Satan's role, God is still the one who caused these things to happen to Job. Job says God is the cause and it is not a sin for him to say so, for it is true.
The Archangel
While I agree the earthquake transpires by God's command, I do disagree somewhat with you here regarding Job's proclaimation about God.
Jobs statement does not necessarily attribute the destruction to God himself, but that it the destruction by Satan was allowed by God.
An illistration of this - The fact that God allowed Adam and Eve to sin does mean we attribute their sinning to God and God alone.
The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, IMO is a general statement regarding God's soveriegn power to allow both good bad things come into our lives as He determines. I state it this way because Job never states God took His children, nor that God gave him the sickness, etc.. His friends ascribed these things were from God, but we know that sinned in making such accusations against God and Job had to pray for them.
Just my 2 cents worth..
btw - for those who state this was God's judgement against Haiti's sin, I have to disagree. For one there is nothing given or there for anyone to make such a statement that this was due to their sin/sinfulness. Second, it was a calamity not upon unbelievers only but believers also was died therein.
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