The fact that science incorporates new evidence and refines previous conclusions is it's greatest strength. It is self-correcting. Nothing is sacred, no conclusion is outside the realm of new evidence, unlike dogmatic belief.
If you think God said something, and it is proven wrong, does it mean God lied? There are other possibilities, including the fact that you may have been in error in your interpretation or understanding.
The Bible reflects an ancient understanding of the cosmos, beginning with the sky being a solid dome, a firmament, which holds back the waters above and releases it as rain by opening floodgates. Science has disproven that ancient view, that would be reasonable from a bronze-age level of knowledge.
We know that mental illness is caused by any number of physiological and biological problems, and not by invisible "demons" taking possession of a person. We know that disease is caused by microbes, not by our sins or those of our ancestors. Knowledge advances. Dogma does not.
Therefore the story is not literally true. One should not idolize written words. If one truly believes that God created all, then there are clues in that creation that are as much his "words" as anything in a book.
If one rejects science, then the rational view would be to reject medical treatment for disease. To not immunize our children and grandchildren.
To adhere to ancient fables as fact makes the church irrelevant as we discover facts about our amazing universe. It dilutes any other message it may have if it clings to disproven tales as prerequisite for anything else. If people see it wrong on how things work, why should they trust anything it has to say?