Premillennialism is not dispensationalism. Charles Spurgeon was a premillennialist but I have already presented some of his remarks about Darby's heretical beliefs on the atonement. Following are some additional thoughts by Spurgeon:
I have responded to them as much as possible.
Spurgeon's End Times Theology
C.H. Spurgeon
John Darby's ideas formed the foundation upon which the pre-tribulation rapture (Left Behind) doctrine stands. The following quote is taken from a post that
Charles Spurgeon's grandson, Tommie Spurgean, posted on his own website in order to awaken Darby's followers to the fact that the Baptist Movement had initially rejected Darby's proposals, and today it has chosen to honor Darby instead of Spurgeon when it comes to eschatology.
“Charles Spurgeon believed that the Baptist faith was exactly the same as the early Church under the Apostles and he taught that. Yet
today if he was applying for a job as a pastor in a Baptist church and he told them how he believed about the Rapture and the Resurrection he would be rejected. His scriptural understanding and messages are praised by many and they often place him at the top of the list for their spiritual leadership. But
there are things in Prophecy that he taught that the Baptist would reject as heresy. One of the reasons many do not know what CH Spurgeon taught on Prophecy was the fact that
he never preached in direct messages such as a sermon on the rapture or end times. But we know what he believed by what he included in his messages of salvation and enlightenment because he often included his belief in prophecy in the message itself rather than it being the main topic of his sermon.
What most believers do not know is that
Charles Spurgeon believed that the Rapture and Resurrection would happen at the same time following the Great Tribulation. That the judgement seat of Christ would happen and
Satan would be bond for a thousand years He also believed that
Jesus would then literally set up his kingdom on earth and rule for a thousand years. He believed that
a second resurrection would occur after the thousand-year reign for the unrighteous dead. This would be followed by the great white throne judgement of God and then there would be a new heaven and a new earth.
During Spurgeon’s day there was another preacher that people today believe was a knowledgeable man on prophecy. His name was John Darby. It is amazing to me that the Baptist organization would accept his teachings over Charles Spurgeon.
Charles did not care for the teachings of Darby and if he were alive today would be preaching in direct opposition to him. He did it back then and he would continue to do it today.
What I am referring to is the belief that the Rapture and Resurrection would occur before the tribulation. How could anyone believe that Darby had a greater understanding than what CH Spurgeon did? Spurgeon was not ignorant when it came to prophetic teachings and took them just as serious as his teachings on grace because he wanted his listeners to know the truth. However his main focus was on the cross of Christ and Salvation because he felt that it was more important than prophecy, however he did include prophecy teachings in his preaching and teaching. He did not reject end-time prophecy or think that it was wrong to be enlightened by it.”
An article at had the following to say:[/quote]
Obviously little Tommie, the son of the “Great Spurgeon” could not see how anyone could even dare to question his FATHER’s beliefs!! How dare he! C.H. was an idol, like “god.”
Note again:
How could anyone believe that Darby had a greater understanding than what CH Spurgeon did.
And yet Tommie had just finished writing that Spurgeon rarely spoke on prophecy. He didn’t study prophecy much. He wasn’t a student of prophecy, unlike Darby who gave much of his life to it.
Please, let us knock Spurgeon off this idol-like pedestal.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Pastor of the Metropolitan Tabernacle and contemporary of Darby published criticism of Darby and Brethrenism. His main criticism was that Darby and the Plymouth Brethren rejected the vicarious purpose of Christ's obedience as well as imputed righteousness. He viewed these of such importance and so central to the gospel that it led him to this statement about the rest of their belief. "With the deadly heresies entertained and taught by the Plymouth Brethren, in relation to some of the most momentous of all the doctrines of the gospel, and to which I have adverted at some length, I feel assured that my readers will not be surprised at any other views, however unscriptural and pernicious they may be, which the Darbyites have embraced and zealously seek to propagate"
Since we don’t know exactly what they are we are not in a position to judge one over the other.
Quite frankly I reject Calvinism also.
“Another thing that Charles Spurgeon rejected about John Darby was his teachings on dispensationalism. This belief teaches that the Jews are under a different covenant than the one we have to day and do not need to be saved through the preaching of the Gospel the same as the Gentiles.
If this is true about Darby it is not true about Dispensationalism today.
He believed that when Jesus came back he would rule over them in Jerusalem but they would be saved by their own covenant with him. At that time dispensationalism taught that Israel would not go back to the land of Palestine until Jesus returned at Armageddon. Charles Spurgeon disagreed with their teaching and said that he believed that the Jews would return to the land of Palestine before Jesus came back. He was right and John Darby was wrong. Charles also taught that the Jews had to be saved through the Gospel of Jesus Christ and that many would be born-again before Jesus came back. Clarence Larkin came along after Darby and improved upon his theory of dispensationalism by including that 144,000 Jews would be saved during the tribulation but the rest would not accept Jesus until he comes back. Charles Spurgeon would have rejected this as well.
All of the above is based on the timing of the resurrection of the righteous (rapture).
This is not as a big a deal as you make it out to be. They are both pre-mil. Even today there are pre-trib, mid-trib and post-trib positions, but all are pre-mill. All were pre-mill dating back to the Waldenses to the Apostles. And that is dispensationalism. It existed far before Darby. There is only a slight difference as to when the “rapture” takes place.
This issue may not seem to be important to some but it is very important to me and those that are trying to reach the Jews with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. What I would like to point out is that most churches believe John Darby and Clarence Larkin over Charles Spurgeon.
Perhaps there is good reason to believe people like Larkin over Spurgeon in some areas.