@1689Dave :
That's why every nation that messes with God's chosen nation,
even today, inevitably gets punished by God for it.
Even though the Lord sent a sword after them, afflicted them with famine and pestilence and so forth for not obeying Him, at the end of it all, they are
still His covenant people, temporally ( on this earth ), and the promises are still in effect.
Just because the Lord Jesus fulfilled all those promises and then instituted a new covenant of grace through faith in His blood, does not mean He is done with Israel as am earthly nation.
He has not replaced them on this earth with the Church.
The prophecies regarding nations who afflict Israel are a double prophesy in many cases...
They concern both "spiritual Israel" as well as "physical Israel".
It is a serious thing for anyone to touch God's anointed, and He will recompense those who touch them, whether they are "Israel" or Israel does not matter.
But with regard to Israel as a nation, He has set them aside in the matter of salvation until He is done with the Gentiles.
They will be restored to Him one day, and He shall bring them into their own land again and shall rule over them as their Shepherd ( Ezekiel 37 )..
This is why I do not believe in a-millenialism, why I'm not a Preterist, and why I am pre-millenial and post-Tribulational...
Because of all the prophecies found in Jeremiah, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel and Zechariah, to name a few.
I take them literally, not figuratively, the same as the prophecies concerning Christ's firsr coming, the ones concerning His second coming will also be literally fulfilled.
What the Pharisees missed was the time gap between the two comings of Christ.
But it seems that we don't see eye to eye on this, so I suppose we will have to agree to disagree.
This is my final reply to you on this subject here in this thread.
Good afternoon to you sir.