Guess That John Wesley and George Whitefield would disagree with you here on this, as that they BOTH were saved by same Gospel and had SAME Lord, just disagreed on exactly how God chose to save them!
Yes & Ole George always thought Ole Johnny boy at best muttled & thats a very nice way of saying messed up! Still they were always brothers in Christ. Both had been born again & both put Christ 1st as their Lord & Savior. They both however had some sort of systematic doctrines that they stood by & both had HS visitations above and beyond their regeneration experiences that they shared with one another. If Whitefield had the 5 points of Calvinism as referable then Wesley also had his 5 points of Arminism (I am not sure anyone has ever gone thru them in this board). Lastly, both were Methodists (yes there was a Calvinistic branch of Methodism) there was always a commonality between the two men.