New Member
The thread is gone beyond its usefulness.
No one can answer your question. You must answer it yourself.
First. Your "question" is composed of conjectures and thus is not a question, but a hypothetical, and then you keep on continuing with more hypotheticals which just never end. It becomes meaningless "debate," if that is what debate is called.
The conjectures were added b/c I'm trying to get you to see that we ARE talking about the Christ of The Bible! Yes it's a hypothetical question! I keep continuing with more hypotheticals and conjectures b/c you will not answer the question straight forwardly.
So then I'm forced to me more specific! I'm only adding conjectures b/c you force me to make the point that we are believing in the Christ of the Bible although we do not see him as 2nd!
It's the same tatic you would use on someone who supported baptism as part of the New Birth Experience! You would ask "If someone were to give there life to Christ and walk out of the church and get hit by a car would they go to heaven or hell?
To be direct and to the point, I would either say "Yes or No". Then we could get into the reasoning behind it, if you wanted! But please I dont want to debate Baptism again in here!
So please, If I beleive in the Christ of the Bible without the understanding he is 2nd, and I died, would I go to hell? You can answer that if your not ashamed to stand upon what you truely believe!
Jeremiah 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?
--You want us to comment on your salvation. The heart is deceitful. Only you can know about your relationship between you and God, not anyone else on this board. "If I..." statements lead to fruitless discussion.[/quote]
So what you are saying, you will never know if someone else is truely saved?
There is a flaw in your soteriology.
"...and am obedient" Salvation is a one-time event not a process. It does not depend on progressive obedience. If you think it does then you believe in a works-based salvation and have more serious issues to discuss. [/quote]
So please answer my other question!
If we "Get Saved" and then 1 year later realize that we don't beleive that Jesus is 2nd do we loose our salvation?
Or, After that one Year I finally believe that Jesus was 2nd, is it at that point that I truely got saved?
"If I die before I have that revelation..."
In other words if you die before you have a Biblical understanding of who God/Christ is. That is what you need to know. Put it in practical terms. Every person is different. Here are some examples to show you what I am talking about:...
Everyone is different in their concept of Christ, God and Christianity. I don't know you, your heart, and even the state of your salvation. Only God does.
Unless a person puts his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, as defined in the Bible, he cannot be saved.
I trust that helps.[/QUOTE]
This is why I use the hypothetical questions. B/c you don't know me. So when you try to avoid the question with that answer I then need to rephrase my question to help get a direct answer! So then I'm trying to paint a picture of someone who beleives everything else that you believe except for that Jesus is 2nd. I'm trying to paint a picture of the "Ideal" Christian who put their faith in Christ and for context purposes does have a perfect heart!
I'm just confused why you or anyone else refuses to give me a direct answer!
(ATTENTION, to anyone who thinks I'm being rude! In a debate, if you choose to take a certain side and continue in the debate, and if I ask for absolutes on your side and I will not let up until one is given, it's not me being rude or pompas or angry, or a school yard bully, or some Gangsta (lol) beating up on a little old lady! In this type of setting, and especially when we are talking about ones salvation, it's very important to state exactly what you beleive. I would rather be pounded with truth than to be serenaded with lies.)