The questions was "If I put my faith in Jesus Christ (God manifest in the flesh 1 Tim 3:16, Jesus The I AM John 8:58) and I'm obedient to Jesus Christ (God manifest in the flesh 1 Tim 3:16, Jesus The I AM John 8:58) and put my faith in him, and If I die before I have the revelation that he's 2nd, will I go to heaven or Hell?
The thread is gone beyond its usefulness.
No one can answer your question. You must answer it yourself.
First. Your "question" is composed of conjectures and thus is not a question, but a hypothetical, and then you keep on continuing with more hypotheticals which just never end. It becomes meaningless "debate," if that is what debate is called.
Jeremiah 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?
--You want us to comment on your salvation. The heart is deceitful. Only you can know about your relationship between you and God, not anyone else on this board. "If I..." statements lead to fruitless discussion.
There is a flaw in your soteriology.
"...and am obedient" Salvation is a one-time event not a process. It does not depend on progressive obedience. If you think it does then you believe in a works-based salvation and have more serious issues to discuss.
"If I die before I have that revelation..."
In other words if you die before you have a Biblical understanding of who God/Christ is. That is what you need to know. Put it in practical terms. Every person is different. Here are some examples to show you what I am talking about:
To a Roman Catholic--the concept of the trinity (and Jesus being the second person) is not an issue; he already understands it.
To a J.W.--the concept of the trinity is an issue. He has rejected it all of his life and must be taught it till he understands it.
To a Muslim--The Muslim believes that the Christian concept of the trinity is that God the Father had a Son through a physical and sexual union with another goddess, probably the goddess--Mary.
Do you think that they need to be taught something about the trinity before they come to a saving knowledge in Christ.
Everyone is different in their concept of Christ, God and Christianity. I don't know you, your heart, and even the state of your salvation. Only God does.
Unless a person puts his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, as defined in the Bible, he cannot be saved.
I trust that helps.