Prove it. Prove that Catholics brought musical instruments into churches before anyone else. I refuse to believe it, and still consider it baloney.LOL. It's not a theological statement. It's an historical one, and one that you cannot refute.
As for Ps. 150 being the same type of command that, for example, the Decalogue is, that's baloney too. It shows a huge lack of understanding of what the poetic books are. Give me a quote from a recognized theologian--just one--who agrees with your position on this.
Talk is cheap. Give me a quote to show me where Spurgeon said that music instruments in the church are morally wrong. Better yet, show me where the Bible condemns musical instruments in the church. I'll even let you use the OT as well as the NT. Give me a single quote from anywhere in the Bible that condemns any musical instrument anywhere. I dare you. I double dog dare you, as they say in the South.Here you judge C. H. Spurgeon and many other of your theological betters.
On the side of musical instruments in the church, we have two passages instructing us to sing psalms (Eph. 5:19, Col. 3:16). I find it patently ridiculous that we are instructed to sing Psalms--one of which is all about musical instruments (Ps. 150), and others which enjoin instruments (33, 43, etc., etc.) and yet not play the instruments they speak of.

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