In this post, you provide a saving solution whereby Jesus had no need to die. All a person has to do is choose God or not choose God.
In this gospel, the atonement for sins is secondary and is only effectual if the human decides to believe it. The responsibility for salvation is entirely upon the human.
The ultimate desire of this teaching is to give humans all the control and strip God of any authoritative choice in saving anyone.
Above we see the doctrine of works proposed by the act of repentance. Choose to repent and you are saved.God gave us the free will to choose to follow Him as our Lord and Savior or not. Does that mean, by giving us the free will to choose, that God does not know what we will choose in the end? No. He knows what everyone will choose, but that doesn't mean He took away our free will.
Everything works according to God's plan for those who love God and are called according to HIS purpose.
God loves everyone, saved and unsaved, (isn't that the epitome of John 3:16?) but he hates sin, and people condemn themselves if they choose not to repent and trust in God as their Lord and master.
In this gospel, the atonement for sins is secondary and is only effectual if the human decides to believe it. The responsibility for salvation is entirely upon the human.
The ultimate desire of this teaching is to give humans all the control and strip God of any authoritative choice in saving anyone.