That is exactly universal salvation.
Since all will not be saved, salvation cannot be for all. It must only be for some. If it was for all...all would be saved.
A completely false statement and unsupported by scripture. In other words, you made it up.
Show me how the passages I quoted ( not just a sentence) is out of context. Once again you make an unsupported assertion.
Prove this assertion from scripture passages, kept in context, or know you are making unsupported assertions.
Prove it with scripture or know your assertion is unsupported.
Show your assertion in scripture as you are stating your philosophy.
I condemn no one. The Bible tells us about the rebellion of mankind. Why else would Christians be ambassadors preaching reconciliation (1 Corinthians 5)
Do you refuse to read the Bible? From Genesis to Revelation we read of God choosing. To deny God's choosing is to deny the Bible's very words.
Not at all. Prisoners have free will, but have no capacity to be free. To be released, a person greater than themselves must choose to pardon them.
What false doctrine? Show us in scripture or know your assertions are empty.
Please show us this definition in scripture as it relates to the capacity for a prisoner to free himself.
You are openly stating a human philosophy.
Do you declare that God has zero control over his creation and does not direct the affairs of history? If so, explain Habakkuk.
Again, you are speaking your philosophy with zero scripture.
This is a perfect example of you having no clue regarding the context of 2 Peter while you quote a phrase out of context as your prooftext to support your pretext.
I have shown you passages of scripture that explain how it works. Breaking God's law results in condemnation.
You are now openly stating a philosophy that comes from your human mind, not from scripture. You are digging your own hole.
A human can decide to leave prison his entire life, yet he has no capacity to do so. Only if a higher power chooses to pardon him can he be released and redeemed.
And here is where your flawed philosophy meets its demise. The conclusion you must make is that humans, by their own work, free themselves from prison by their choice to free themselves.
You abandon grace and you embrace salvation by human works, which is what Islam teaches as well as cults.
Of course it was. From before the foundation of the world, God chose whom he would adopt. (Ephesians 1)
Correct, God gave Adam the capacity to disobey and be enslaved by sin. But, only God had the capacity to redeem Adam out of his slavery to sin. Adam could not free himself, no matter how hard he willed it.
Indeed. It was also God's free choice to allow Adam to sin and thus be enslaved by sin.
Humans can sit in their prison of sin all their life and choose to free themselves, but it will never happen. God must choose to pardon their sins and free them from their bondage.
Question: Is God obligated to free any human from their bondage to sin?
That is your assertion. I have no need to prove your assertion. You are making the assertion, it is incumbent upon you to prove your assertion.
Now, do you deny that God is in control of his creation and that some other power now has dominion over God? If you believe God is all powerful and in full control, why do you place human will as being greater than God?
You must prove your assertions in scripture, otherwise you are making unsupported assertions and speaking a human philosophy that is not scripturally correct (meaning you are speaking a false doctrine).