It can't be proved whether anyone was or was not struck by his whip. But yes, the moneychngers/dovesellers were threatened. He didn't just say "Please take your business elsewhere;" he DROVE them out
Indeed. He did drive them out. Some time back I drove out some teens partying on my property down along the river. Neither Jesus nor I resorted to violence.
>>>His "purpose?"-- singular? How about to seek and to save that which was lost? And who wanted animals-- big ones-- roaming free over the temple grounds? John 2:15 says the sellers were driven out "with the sheep and oxen." And we are told how people were affected-- the people were astonished, while the scribes and priests were indignant-- Mark 11:18
Yes, He came to seek and save the lost. That too. Probably He didn't want animals roaming the temple grounds. I am not sure what your point would be, because there is still no indication of violence--not the kind that would require a knife or gun or fists.
Note: We could go into the Greek and why scholars think only animals were driven out, but that is hard to prove and has little or no bearing on our conversation.
>>>This sentence fragment of yours seems to be missing a word (or 2), and shifts from interrogative to declarative. But Jesus said little about animals-- just the parallel of Him and his followers with a good shepherd and sheep, and to say humans are worth far more to God than any birds.
Read again. The sentence is not a fragment. It does not shift from interrogative to declarative.
Jesus drove the animals out of the temple. We don't know about the sellers--that can be debated. Either way, we don't see any remote justification for war or guns or fists. We see Jesus cleansing the temple--with authority.
>>>Jesus is he First and the Last. The first book says to punish murder with the death penalty-- Genesis 9:6. The last book says to pay back "Babylon" twice as much for her wicked deeds-- Revelation 18:6.
1. The death penalty is real and biblical. God sets up secular government authority for that purpose. Whatever point of view a person has on this today, the matter has no bearing on Jesus call for Christians to non-violence.
2. And Babylon's punishment is God's doing. Not man's doing.
>>>So what you see now, bud?
Hope that helps.