This sounds biblical, but is utter nonsense.
Let's use the most common real world example. A husband has an affair and abandons his wife and children for the hope of an elusive happiness with his mistress. The husband has committed adultery. The wife and children are blindsided by the divorce, cast into poverty and forced to struggle both financially and emotionally to cope with this tragedy inflicted on them.
Turning to the Church for comfort and support, you advise her that if she ever attempts to find happiness or a husband who will honor her and not shatter the marriage covenant, she has an unforgiving heart that prevents God from forgiving her. So the Church abandons the victim ... no, not abandons, CURSES the victim ... to a life of poverty and loneliness as the double punishment for being abandoned by a husband who shattered his vow to God and his Family and sinned against both.
Having in effect made such a woman into a "widows and orphans" with no family to support them, any church adopting your victim cursing policy should be willing to take over the responsibility for their financial support ... since you forbid her from remarrying as a young 'widow' would be commanded to.
To charge someone to keep a contract that the other party has broken is nonsense. The actions of the divorcing parties often reveal that those claiming to be Christians were really wolves in sheep clothing. God does not yolk sheep to goats and both to himself.