Benjamin said:What it being ignored here, in the Calvinist’ interpretation of Romans 8:28,29, is the Divine order given of the scripture. “Foreknew” does not equal determinism; God did not pre-choose (as if by a whim) some to be saved and others to dammed to hell; this would clearly be against the nature of God’s justice as plainly stated in Deut 32:4.
You're one confused fella'.Of course God predetermined -- that's what predestination means.God does nothing on a whim.Why you non-Cals keeping saying such tommyrot is something to behold.I leave it to God whatever pleases Him.He is the Designer of all.To charge Him with whimsy is blasphemous.
Yet, the Hyper-Calvinist will ignore both the nature of God and the order of salvation told to us in Romans and elsewhere to force fit his/her perception of what God’s sovereignty must consist of and to accomplish the doctrines of TULIP.
You have no idea what you are taliking about.The Bible is front-and-center for Calvinists.The Word of God has formed our theology.
You really don't know what a Calvinist is.And then,to top it off,you clearly don't know the definition of hyper-Calvinism.
Further, they glory in their arrogance of espousing to others that they were “specially picked” while they relay the message of “THE Doctrine of Deterministic Selective Grace”.
Listen closely.I have repeated this same thing scores of times on the BB --every true believer whether a Calvinist or not -- is elect.Calvinists are not claiming that they alone are His sheep.Got that?Or will you dredge up that nonsense again despite the facts?
True, the saved are God’s elect, chosen in Him (Christ) as Eph 1:4 further explains:
(Eph 1:4) According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:
A full AMEN to all of that!
The Hyper-Calvinist -- They hold to a Deterministic view of election while sadly twisting and distorting the meanings of God having mercy on Whom He will have mercy to mean He predestined the elect on some sort of whim before the foundation rather than “after”…”they”…”trusted”… “in Him”!
It would really be honorable of you to actually quote folks saying the things you attribute to a whole class of folks.
Do you deny the truth of Romans 9:15,18 and Ephesians 1:4;2 Timothy 1:9;2 Thess.2:13;Matt.25:34 and other passages with a mere wave of your mortal hand?!
Now what did I just get through explaining to you about that blasphemous tag of "whim" applied to God!
Determinism is a damnable heresy of Hyper-Calvinist that should be condemned.
Better watch your tongue.God is in charge.He does whatever He wishes --whenever He wishes.He determines,He decrees,He establishes,He sets things up and He orders things torn down.He elects some according to His good pleasure.And He foreordains the destiny of the wicked.To deny any of the preceeding is to deny the God of the Bible.
Any Calvinist doctrine which sets out to limit God’s love and grace is clearly Hyper-Calvinism, and I am in good company with this definition:
God's love is limited to those whom He chose before the foundation of the world.He has not chosen to give everyone faith and repentance -- only the small floch of which He is the Chief Shepherd.
[/quote]“Those who do believe a doctrine of God's limited love, limited grace, limited atonement, and unchangeable plan to damn millions who could not be saved, are called hyper-Calvinists.” ~John R Rice
The only Rice who knew what he was talking about regarding such subjects were Luther Rice and N.L.Rice.If you look to JRR as your guide in such matters you will be following gross error.
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