Upon reflecting on this I wonder....Why does DHK struggle so' mightily and not welcome what we all see clearly?
Not only do we have answers but we have offered them to you. Carnal philosophy is not my thing....ask Benjamin.
Having been drawn to God savingly, the Spirit continues His work of ;
17 That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him:
18 The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints,
19 And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power,
I am not stumbling on anything. I don't agree with your Calvinism and you can't understand why. I ask you straightforward questions and you can't answer them.
Questions like:
Do you believe in sola fide, a Reformed doctrine. But you, for some reason, can't answer that, or at least won't.
This thread is about God's love for all, everyone. But you don't want to apply that on a personal basis.
Jesus is God, a God of love. He so loved the world, all the world. There is the point of discussion.
That being said, did he love you before you were saved? How do you know? How do you know that you are one of the elect now?
In the same manner when God says he hates certain people as Rippon says he does, using such scripture out of context:
5:5 : You hate all who do wrong
5:6 : The bloodthirsty and deceitful you, Lord, detest.
11:5 : but the wicked, those who love violence he hates with a passion.
53:5 : for God despised them.
Then do you conclude that these individuals, who God supposedly hates, can never be saved because they are objects of his wrath and can never be objects of his love--just like you were once an object of his wrath??
But how do you know for sure that you are an object of his love, whereas the entire LBGT group isn't?
Does God love them?
I don't struggle Icon; you do.
You keep saying things like this, over and over. Do you realize you are the only one who struggles like this? The answers given were given in simple form and should have been easily understood.
When you quote or state philosophical questions that are not answered directly by the Bible then that is what they are. Your answers are the answers of a vain imagination for the Bible is silent. Where the Bible is silent we must be silent. Therefore I will repeat myself over and over again until these truths sink through.
It is not me who struggles.
-those philosophical questions that were originally posited by you because you didn't want to take Christ at his word (John 14:6). But what about...., you said, indirectly questioning the integrity of Christ.
Anyone who questions the ability of Christ to save anyone is questioning the integrity of Christ. And that is what you have done!
You keep saying: What about....What about...
So Christ cannot saved in your opinion those that "have never heard," but you don't know who those are, and why Christ is so powerless to do that which he said he could do. You question both his power and his integrity. Amazing!
This is only taking place in your mind. You do this quite often......"indirectly"????? How about you show this? DIRECTLY
Note well, I have just shown you directly how you question the integrity of God. You are in denial of the power and authority of Christ.
You falsely accuse us and say....Indirectly, when not one of us has done any of this?????
Again.....post one example of what you claim....where I said any such thing...DIRECTLY. YOU CANNOT BECAUSE IT IS A FALSEHOOD.
You don't have to say it. You outright question God's power by your statements:
What about those that never hear? That is a question of doubt--doubting God's promises.
It is no different than Satan's statement to Eve: "Hath God said..."
This is quite Odd. No one can even follow your train of thought!!!! Are you OK? Are you suffering from some ailment that is affecting you? how else can we explain this constant made up attacks, that are off topic once again
You answer with ad hominems when you can't answer scripture. It is arrogant for you to put yourself on the same plane as God thinking that God has revealed all things to you. He hasn't.
I do not have a hard time doing either but that is not theOP is it?
Check 2Tim.3:16,17
All Scripture is inspired...
The scripture is inspired and it is profitable and in verse 17 it is to make one fully equipped (thoroughly furnished) to do God's work. Unless one is able to "personalize" the scripture, "apply" it to oneself, then it becomes rather useless. It is just head knowledge, like the Muslim I read of who had memorized the entire NT but yet remained a Muslim. What good was the Scripture to him?
So, yes, the scripture applies to you. It can get personal. Why not?
Does personal testimony about the love of God not relate to the OP? Of course it relates to the OP!
I and others have answered you everytime. You are losing your composure ?
Sorry, you are not telling the truth here. Still referring back to those more personal type questions, you abhor answering, you rarely if ever answer. You avoid them like the plague. Why do you think I ask you continually about "sola fide"? I don't get an answer.
Have you lost your composure?