No.Seems that both those of Free Will side and Election side teach and promote that we are saved by grace of GOD thru faith In Christ ALONE, so aren't we all agreeing on what the Gospel message really is?
There is a fundamental difference in the Calvinist and Noncalvinist view of the condition of man, which is a result of their fundamentally different views of God and the nature of the Atonement. One cannot know God, and not know himself at the same time. It's one's view of God that determines his view of man.
The Calvinist teaches that man in his unregenerated state is utterly incapable of responding in faith to the Word of God. The Noncalvinist, whether he be Methodist or Mormon, teaches the exact opposite.
Since the views of the condition of man are different, so are their views of the nature and efficacy of the Atonement, and their views of Christ and His mission, and finally their views of the Father and His will.
They may use the same terms, but their meanings are diametrically opposed.
Calvinism is the Gospel. Anything else is not.