Hank, I have presented 5 verses that cleanly say God elects individuals for salvation through faith in the truth. Therefore our individual election for salvation occurs during our lifetime, after we believe in Christ. Did you say you accept that basic truth?
I can answer any question, as I have answered that one time and time again, but you guys never address my questions.
Does scripture tell us mankind was created? Yes. What existed before mankind was created, according to scripture? Did we exist as predestined individuals in the mind of God? What scripture supports that invention. You want to create mankind before God did to support your unbiblical view.
So by the numbers:
1) God and God alone existed before creation, in the form of the Trinity.
2) Before creation God chose the second person of the Trinity to be His Redeemer, His "Lamb of God."
3) His Redeemer was chosen to redeem those of God's choosing, therefore God chose us in Him before the foundation of the world corporately. If that election was of us as individuals, then the verse would read God chose us as predestined individuals rather than in Him. But that is not how it reads. Bottom line, my view is consistent with all scripture, yours ignores scripture.
Consider James 2:5, we were chosen (1) as poor to the world, (2) rich in faith, and (3) heirs to the kingdom promised to those who love God. It does not say foreseen to be poor to the world, foreseen to be rich in faith, and foreseen to love God.
I can answer any question, as I have answered that one time and time again, but you guys never address my questions.
Does scripture tell us mankind was created? Yes. What existed before mankind was created, according to scripture? Did we exist as predestined individuals in the mind of God? What scripture supports that invention. You want to create mankind before God did to support your unbiblical view.
So by the numbers:
1) God and God alone existed before creation, in the form of the Trinity.
2) Before creation God chose the second person of the Trinity to be His Redeemer, His "Lamb of God."
3) His Redeemer was chosen to redeem those of God's choosing, therefore God chose us in Him before the foundation of the world corporately. If that election was of us as individuals, then the verse would read God chose us as predestined individuals rather than in Him. But that is not how it reads. Bottom line, my view is consistent with all scripture, yours ignores scripture.
Consider James 2:5, we were chosen (1) as poor to the world, (2) rich in faith, and (3) heirs to the kingdom promised to those who love God. It does not say foreseen to be poor to the world, foreseen to be rich in faith, and foreseen to love God.