Awesome. Another entry for the Calvinist dictionary.
Draw: Effectual Coming.
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Well, since you don't respond then I must interpret your words as mocking the idea that "Draw:Effectual Coming."
However, this is very easy to see IF you have an objective mind when dealing with the context of John 6. Let me give you 8 solid contextual based reasons why this is so:
1. The words "cometh to me" in the context of John 6 means "beleive on me" as verse 35 proves.
And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he
that cometh to me shall never hunger; and
he that believeth on me shall never thirst.
So "cometh to me" is first metaphorically expressed as as satisfying hunger, then in parallel fashing he follows immediately but substituting "cometh to me" with " believeth on me" as satisfying thirst.
This is reaffirmed later in the context in verses 47-48 where believing in him is again put in metaphorical language as partaking of Christ as though he were literally food and drink.
2. In verse 45 Christ defines "draw" to mean "teach" and cites plural "prophets" which are Isaiah 54:13 and Jeremiah 31:33-34 where "all" those being taught are identified not in universal terms as "all mankind" without exception but "all THY CHIILDREN" (Isa. 54:13) in connection with the new covenant (Jer. 31:33-34) where every last one effectually comes to faith in God "from the least of them to the greatest of them" because this teaching is directly by God INSIDE of their heart as described in Jeremiah 31:33.
3. In verse 64, John identifies false professors as those the Father never did "give" this inward teaching unto and that is why they are still in unbelief, thus denying that drawing is universal without exception.
4. The same final clause first used by Christ in verse 39 to identify "ALL" those given to the Son wherein "ALL" effectually come to faith in Christ and "NONE" given fail to be saved, is also attached to verse 44 demonstrating that the given are the drawn.
5. Putting aside temporarily all disputed verses where "draw" is found (Jn. 6:44, 12:32) it is always found in the active voice (as it is in the disputed texts) denying those drawn are participating in that action, and secondarily in every case coming is simeltaneous and inseparable with the action of drawing - thus demanding - effectual coming.
6. The nearest antecedent for "him" in the second clause of John 6:44 has for its nearest antecedent "him" in the first clause proving the "him" drawn is the same "him" that will be raised up and the same "him" found in the previous uses of this same clause in verses 39, 40, 58 where there is no other application but to those given, who effectually come that never perish.
7. The use of "draw" in John 6 denies universal application to all men without exception but it restricts it to "all" given and "all" taught which are confined to the New Covenant.
8. The use of "draw" in John 12 denies it is retricted to merely Jewish covenant elect but is inclusive of all men without distinction of race, class or gender as this is directly included in his response to his disciples who tell him "Greeks" want to meet with him (Jn.12:20-32) which was unlawful for a Jew (Acts 10:28) to fellowship with which continued to be a problem to Jewish believers (Acts 15).
So, there is overwhelming contextual evidence that "draw" and "taught" describe the effectual work of God in his covenant people that brings them to faith.