First of all it does not say they were given Him before the foundation of the world. That a saying by Paul in ehp You and I did not exist at that time. By your reckoning Judas would be saved. I do not for a moment believe in Calvinism. Not to mention everyone is raised at the last day who is not caught up already..In John 6:37-39 Jesus plainly tells us who it is that are WILLING to come to Christ in faith and that is "ALL" whom the Father has given him. This act of giving preceded the incarnation as Jesus explicitly states that his reason for coming down from heaven is that he knew the Father's will in this matter prior to the incarnation because the father had prevous to the incarnation already "given" (perfect tense - v. 39) such to him.
If the drawing were effectual then I would have come the first time I was drawn. Many are drawn but only a few come. I've witnessed to men who were obviously drawn and still did not come to Christ. I've had some listen to the gospel intently and would shoved others aside just to hear what I was saying. I believe this is what is wrong with Calvinism. They wish to make it so complicated men can not do what's needed for Salvation. Christ does not force Him Self on anyone.Hence, in verse 40, those WILLING do come to him and they are those given by the Father in verses 37-39. In contrast, those in verse 36 saw him and were not willing to come to him in faith and Jesus plainly tells them that is proof they are not part of those the Father gave him because ALL the father gives him do come to him (vv. 37-39). So, all who are WILLING are those whom the Father previous to their willingness, previous to the incarnation had already been given to the Son. Hence, those in verse 40 who are willing were part of the same "ALL" given to the Son before the incarnation thus before they became willing in point of time. That willingess in point of time is due to the INTERNAL EFFECTUAL drawing/teaching work by the Father (Jn. 6:44-45).
Salvation isn't so complicated as you have made it. It's simple, it's easy. All we have to do is believe in Christ. We don't have to worry about whether or not we have been chosen before we existed
Hence, the willing are those given, those drawn by the Father. The unwilling (v. 37, 64) were never given to the Father before the incarnation (v. 37) and never drawn by the Father (v. 64-65
I could not have been given before I existed. Only God is eternal and can grant life.
I freely admit that I haven't a clue what the Bible means by the term "before the foundation" And I'm not the least bit sure you do either. You assume you existed before you did. This isn't logical it's speculation.
Can you can prove you existed before the foundation of the world?