Postmil sounds good! It's positive. It's optimistic and encouraging, in stark contrast to the end times theology that the majority hold to.
A poisoned world view:
"In a lecture Darby gave in Geneva in 1840, he publicly stated:
“What we are about to consider will tend to show that,
instead of permitting ourselves to hope for a continued progress of good, we must expect a progress of evil; and that the hope of the earth being filled with the knowledge of the Lord before the exercise of His judgment, and the consummation of his judgment on the earth, is delusive. We are to expect evil, until it becomes so flagrant that it will be necessary for the Lord to judge it…”
Unfortunately, the adoption of
a worldview through the eyes of Darby, instead of the eyes of Jesus, causes us to rejoice over all the wrong stuff.
When we embrace fundamentalist
end-times theology, we’re forced to celebrate bloodshed and violence, instead of celebrating the events which remind us that we serve the “Prince of Peace”. Every bomb that gets dropped in the middle east, every earthquake which kills thousands in Pakistan, every tsunami that wipes out countless lives in Asia, becomes a beautiful sign of the end....."