No, according to the greek terms used, and the context of the scriptures!According to Scofield.
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No, according to the greek terms used, and the context of the scriptures!According to Scofield.
Thank you. That's helpful.Augustine seemed to start out as being PreMil, (Sermon 259.2 dated around 393) and seemed to accept the 7 periods of 1000 years each (octavus ergo iste dies in fine saeculi novam vitam significat: septimus quietem futuram sanctorum in hac terra - The eighth day is the end of the world means a new life in the seventh to rest in this holy land of the future) but was repulsed by the statements of some radical Chilliasts (probably Donatists) who seemed to believe the Millennium was going to be a time of no restraint and the unbridled satisfaction of lust and desire.
As Augustine was a man who believed God's Reign would result in perfect holiness he was repulsed by the radical Chilliast he encountered.
He probably shifted to a form of Amillennialism seeing the "Kingdom" as being the rule of Christ in the hearts of men.
Spurgeon was historical premil, and did see God bring the Jews back to Himself in the end!Here is a good presentation of famous Baptist Spurgeon's premil position going back to 1865: Spurgeon's Millennial View.
If anyone would know Spurgeon's view it's this author, Bob Ross, since he is the publisher of Spurgeon's sermon sets.(I was in his store once, and he kindly gave me a copy of the volume to which my dear grandpa had written the foreward.)
A majority of the ECF were preMils, and would not have seen a large shift towards AMil views until Augustine made popular and the right thing to do, when he shifted towards a spiritualized view, with the Rome Church as the Kingdom of God here upon earth.Thank you. That's helpful.
Not unless you are a full pretierist!The tone I'm getting from the futurists on this board, (not all) is that if you don't agree you are dabbling in the occult.
If you're trying to lay a guilt trip on me, it's not working. You've done nothing but debate since you got here. And that's perfectly fine with me, because you've been posting on debate threads.![]()
I am not denying, the Pre Mill Amill positions, Im saying the Future one world Government, antichrist, 7 year tribulation, was not taught in early church history. Thats what I want to see in a early writing before the Catholic Doctrine.
Daniels 70 weeks, find an EARLY commentary that throws a HUGE time gap within a prophecy of 490 years.
The HE is the messiah in that chapter, because earlier the Prince isn't the subject, The people of the prince are. So that can not make them a he? I am no Hebrew scholar, But I do understand english.
So Jesus confirmed a covenant.
I don't see how a prophecy about the jewish people, and Jesus, can just be thrown Into the future, with a world leader 7 year tribulation all over one verse, unless you are told that before hand. I had my wife read it with no knowledge of it, and she sure didn't come up with a 7 year tribulation in the future. She pretty much said what covenant did the messiah make?
עַ֣ם the people
נָגִ֤יד of the prince
There has been over 1000 failed futurist predictions, Remember when Jack Van Impe said the soviet flag was going to flying over the white house and that it was going to be armageddon?
Explain this generation to me. And show me one more example in Matthew where it speaks of a future generation. Mr literal.
Well you and I will disagree on this. If you don't understand history, you will never know which prophecies have been fulfilled. Dispensational teaching, or it was when I was under it, is that the church is not mentioned in the OT, To use your words, I try not to descend to such but. HOGWASH. The disciples said that the OT prophecies were about their days.
And far from all the Prophecies in Olivet were end times. Or for that matter Daniel 9.
"Mr. Literal." You see that? That's confrontational, that's sarcasm, that's not a humble, willing-to-learn attitude that you say you have. It's not at all respectful towards your opponent, robycop, who can teach you some things if you'll listen to him.
Thanx, John, but I consider the SOURCE. The PROOF of the literality of Jesus' prophecies is right before us, in war, rumor of war, etc. There's absolutely NO valid reason to believe the rest won't be fulfilled just-as-literally.
OTOH, "Prophecy" offers NO PROOF that the eschatological events have already occurred, except to repeat someone else's guesswork & imagination. Without ACTUAL PROOF those events have already occurred, any other discussion about the validity & truth of preterism is vapor.
I agree. One of our opponents remarked that I was on here to spread my pretrib premil views. Actually I'm on this thread, as you are no doubt, to combat the heresy of full preterism and the false doctrine of preterism.Thanx, John, but I consider the SOURCE. The PROOF of the literality of Jesus' prophecies is right before us, in war, rumor of war, etc. There's absolutely NO valid reason to believe the rest won't be fulfilled just-as-literally.
OTOH, "Prophecy" offers NO PROOF that the eschatological events have already occurred, except to repeat someone else's guesswork & imagination. Without ACTUAL PROOF those events have already occurred, any other discussion about the validity & truth of preterism is vapor.
It might have been interesting if (1) he was honest about what religion he is; (2) he had not been insulting when he approached me; (3) if I discerned from his language that he had a scholarly approach; (4) if it wasn't a PM. He could have asked me nicely in a PM to debate him on the non-Baptist forum, but I'm certainly not going to hide a debate on a PM thread.I wasn't doing that, I wanted him to see it. and post, but he can't because he listed as non baptist. He is a former Futurist as well, so I thought that would be very interesting.
I did not see anywhere that you directly asked me about the antichrist.What does that have to do with a modern day antichrist and that part of futurism?
Pity your studies didn't include English spelling.I likely know world history better than you, as I have some 60 years of studying it. And I have Encyclopaedia Britannica & Collier's Encyclopedia right in fronta me as well as a whole Internet fulla intel.
And I have the knowledge of some 40 years of Scripture study. Thru this, I have learned that Scripture is MOSTLY-LITERAL. (However, I readily admit there's SOME symbolism in it here-n-there, but mosta it is explained by other Scriptures or its meaning discerned by hindsight & our overview of ALL Scripture.)
The destruction of J & the temple in 70 AD is recognized by all readers of history, Christian & secular alike. However, Jesus prophesied other events surrounding His return, which have obviously NOT happened yet, and no amount of distortion of history now Scripture-twisting & re-defining will fill in the gaps between pret pronouncements and HISTORY/REALITY. Those events MUST cometa pass exactly as Jesus caused toem to be written down, to the last letter. Nothing else is their fulfillment.
That is great coming from you.I agree. One of our opponents remarked that I was on here to spread my pretrib premil views. Actually I'm on this thread, as you are no doubt, to combat the heresy of full preterism and the false doctrine of preterism.
Pity your studies didn't include English spelling.
Are you able to give an actual answer or just the intellectual equivalent of "am not, are too!"?That is great coming from you.
And ScofieldNo, according to the greek terms used, and the context of the scriptures!