Then they don't count.Most Catholics are not regenerated. They jump thru the sacraments in order to be in correct standing with God.

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Then they don't count.Most Catholics are not regenerated. They jump thru the sacraments in order to be in correct standing with God.
They don't. Neither do the Disciples of Christ or the Church of Christ. But they are denominations. The Catholic Church did not exist until the 4th Century.To be clear Jon, most RCs don’t consider themselves a denomination… they are the one true church and you are evaluated as a “Protestant” a protestor to the sanctity of the true church with Peter and his subsequent pope selections as supreme leaders… a hierarchy if you will.
So you have eternal life? Since you eat the wafer?Once for All, all believers can receive Jesus body and blood down the ages in the One Holy Eucharist that Jesus instituted. The new daily mana from Heaven, The Bread of Life, Jesus Himself.
“ He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood, has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day. “
You believe Jesus meant it literally.We take it literally because Jesus meant it literally.
When n is zero its value is neither even or odd. No solution.Great, because this one has me stumped, maybe you could give this a fresh set of eyes.
The RCC considers the wafer to be the “real Presence” of Jesus Christ so yes because now you are one with Christ. BTW, in addition you must touch all the sacraments must be exercised… Baptism, confirmation, holy Eucharist, Penance, Marriage, Holy Orders, Extreme Unction.So you have eternal life? Since you eat the wafer?
The RCC considers the wafer to be the “real Presence” of Jesus Christ so yes because now you are one with Christ. BTW, in addition you must touch all the sacraments must be exercised… Baptism, confirmation, holy Eucharist, Penance, Marriage, Holy Orders, Extreme Unction.
You believe Jesus meant it literally.
I believe I know Jesus spoke in metaphor. Both regarding Him being the true manna from heaven per John 6:63 and later as a remembrance before He offered Himself on the cross as the Passover, per Luke 22:19-21 which included lost Judas.
You have been taught to conflate the Passover Eucharist (Matthew, Mark, Luke, 1 Corinthians) with Jesus' teaching He being the true manna from heaven (John).
The issue comes when it is a ministry of Christ.I feel like a Baptist, a Mormon, a Catholic, an Evangelical, and a Methodist should all be able to work in a soup kitchen together. All five of these people come from very different groups. They are never going to agree with each other when it comes to certain doctrines. They don't have to feel comfortable worshiping God in each other's churches. And they probably shouldn't. But when it comes to common ground issues, why not work together? We're not as different from each other as we might think.
And paganism is very controlling, very totalitarian.The issue comes when it is a ministry of Christ.
A Christian and a Mormon can help others. They can work together in an organization.
BUT when the help is presented as a Christian ministry then including nom-Christian religions (like Mormons) is problematic as it can be seen to validate paganism.
The RCC considers the wafer to be the “real Presence” of Jesus Christ so yes because now you are one with Christ. BTW, in addition you must touch all the sacraments must be exercised… Baptism, confirmation, holy Eucharist, Penance, Marriage, Holy Orders, Extreme Unction.
I also believe that Jesus is present in Communion, but I have never been Catholic, so for my edification -Why do you doubt Jesus transformed the bread and wine into His Body and Blood? You have His own words that say so.
Don’t you believe He has the power? Do you believe He Transubstantiated the water into wine? Multiplied the loaves and fish?
If you believe these things and you believe that no words of Christ go out and be unfulfilled. Then believing in the real presence of Jesus in The Eucharist is a mere formality.
Catholics believe it, because Jesus said it.
Perhaps study the QuakersI feel like a Baptist, a Mormon, a Catholic, an Evangelical, and a Methodist should all be able to work in a soup kitchen together. All five of these people come from very different groups. They are never going to agree with each other when it comes to certain doctrines. They don't have to feel comfortable worshiping God in each other's churches. And they probably shouldn't. But when it comes to common ground issues, why not work together? We're not as different from each other as we might think.
And do you wash the feet of the brethren?Why do you doubt Jesus transformed the bread and wine into His Body and Blood? You have His own words that say so.
Don’t you believe He has the power? Do you believe He Transubstantiated the water into wine? Multiplied the loaves and fish?
If you believe these things and you believe that no words of Christ go out and be unfulfilled. Then believing in the real presence of Jesus in The Eucharist is a mere formality.
Catholics believe it, because Jesus said it.
This is a denomination I haven't explored yet. They seem very interesting. That's kind of where I'm at in my faith journey. I came full circle when I was born again but realized in short order that words still tend to get in the way. I like how they're not afraid to question the label: Why am I calling myself Christian and why is it important to me?Perhaps study the Quakers
Have you experienced the Holy Spirit in dwelling in your soul and convincing you to honor JesusChrist as your Lord and Savior? That’s what I experienced one snowy day driving home from college classes to advance my career. The snow storm caused me to an intense focus on my driving so when I popped in a CD with A pastor named George Whitfield, I was primed to listen very intently. I won’t give you the whole testimony, but I believe that was the HS speaking thru Whitfield. It got my attention I assure you.This is a denomination I haven't explored yet. They seem very interesting. That's kind of where I'm at in my faith journey. I came full circle when I was born again but realized in short order that words still tend to get in the way. I like how they're not afraid to question the label: Why am I calling myself Christian and why is it important to me?
Who?J.I. Packer was one of the signers. One of the greatest theologians of our time.