No, I do not default to bad solutions. I believe we have to choose the best solution, even if it is not a perfect solution. The issue is not the solution but human imperfection.Do you support some form of State Capitalism?
No. If I don't like how a business treats someone, for whatever reason, I can refuse to do business with them in a laissez faire capitalist system.
So, do you sort of automatically default to bad solutions, especially government-enforced ones?
Do you support mandates to stop the production of fossil-fuel powered vehicles?
Do you place what you think are "the interests and stability of our nation" ahead of individual liberty? What if someone else thinks that "the interests and stability of our nation" means something that you disagree with and wants to use government force on you?
I disagree. I think that medicine, as well as other areas, would be far more advanced without the drag and corruption of government.
Thank you for at least not going THAT far into Statism.
You are failing to take into account a WHOLE lot of virtue signaling by people with the means to do so.
And, that is not capitalistic. That is Statism.
I support capitalism, period. Most issues can be resolved in a capitalistic system.
History, however, has proven that a laissez faire capitalist system is problematic. (Yes, I am of Irish descent
Governments govern.
Restricting EVs only to the wealthy is not, IMHO, a good idea.
Think of all the people who would have died if the government did not subsidize, in some form, medical technologies. Capitalism is still in play. The medicines most in need are the medicines most developed. But most people do not need many of the medicines developed.