If God did not give you that faith, then where did it come from? And why did your equally lost neighbor NOT get saved after hearing the same message?
And who will (believe)? That is the question you refuse to deal with.
In essence you are asking DHK what makes him to differ with those who don't believe. Well, according to DHK, DHK made the difference all by himself.
The following statements were made in April of 2008. He holds to all the errors below to this day.
Per DHK "God may be involved with our salvation."
Per DHK "The Holy Spirit may be involved in our salvation."
Per DHK "It is true that God knws the choices of individuals."
Per DHK in his commentary of John 1:13 :"Others made their choice to reject him. To those who made that wise choice...'
Per DHK "Thus through a combination of 'superior wisdom' and 'keen perception' he came to Christ." And those words reveal "how a person does come to Christ."
Per DHK :'The choice is his. He is not forced to make a decision by the Holy Spirit. He has the ability to make the decision all on his own."
Per DHK :"He knew ahead of time what decisions I would make, but he didn't 'cause me' or force me to make them."
Per DHK "I believed. It was my faith. It was my decision. God did not force me to make this decision. He knew about it of course. But the decision was mine and mine alone."
According to DHK :"I believed. It was my faith. It was my decision. God did not force me to make this decision. He knew about it of course. But the decision was mine and mine alone."
According to DHK :"God knew aforetime who would be saved and who would not be saved. He in no way would affect their choice. He would not force them one way or another. He would not influence them to choose to receive or reject. They of their own accord would make the choice. He just knew about it in advance. It was his foreknowledge."
That is a summary of DHK's take which radically overthrows what the Scripture teaches.