Dear Matthew,
Merry Christmas.
Your friend,
To everyone else, earlier today, I wrote a letter to the staff of FBC Dallas. This is what I said:
Dear FBC Dallas Staff,
Greetings. Having been raised in...I grew up in the Southern Baptist tradition, before pursuing degrees in music and theology at Baylor University and Wheaton College. I have been to FBC Dallas a number of times in my life, as my sister and brother-in-law are former members.
I am very thankful for my Christian upbringing and the foundation for my faith that was laid by hearing the Word. My conscience, for a number of reasons, has led me away from the SBC, but my love and concern for the SBC remains.
It is with a heavy heart that I approach you about the “grinch alert” website. As you, my chosen greeting is “Merry Christmas,” since that’s what I celebrate; however, I question the wisdom of this list, particularly regarding an issue that has become so controversial.
The Bible is clear that Christians will be hated, despised and persecuted, but it also exhorts Christians to respond with rejoicing, as, when we are despised, we are participating in Christ’s suffering (1 Peter 5:14).
Jesus never went about change by political means. To the contrary, he responded to hatred and insult with love, mercy, and grace, not a “power over” approach. He could have eliminated his opposition with a single breath, but he didn’t. His example shows us what true Kingdom work is about a “power under” approach, where we respond to all with grace and love, reflecting the grace and love that we have been shown through Christ.
God does not need us to defend Christmas. That is not Kingdom work. It actually reflects hearts of judgment, distrust, and vengeance. Compiling a list of establishments that offend our righteous indignation and publishing it for the world to see is decidedly mean-spirited and sub-Christian. If we are offended, that is okay. If we are made to feel uncomfortable, that is not a hindrance to our faith. I cannot adequately express how grieving this is to me.
Additionally, other Baptist churches and other evangelical individuals, congregations, and denominations are associated by name with this attitude. As a historically influential congregation, I’m quite sure you realize the media coverage you incite. Here is brief sample of the comments this story has received on the Dallas Morning News website:
“I just want to go on record as a Christian to say that I do not approve of this at all, and this type of disrespect for non-Christians in not to be tolerated.”
“I would shop at all of the stores on the naughty list.”
“I doubt Jesus would concern himself with this trivial website, but instead be ministering to the homeless, sick and destitute.”
“If you are a Christian, celebrate what Jesus was really about...”
“Funny thing is, these people's heads would explode if one of these businesses dared wish them a happy Hanukkah or a happy Kwanzaa.”
"’Happy Holidays’ is an appropriate greeting, even for Christians, because there's more than one holiday in the Season. In the Christian calendar, we're now in Advent, awaiting the arrival of the Christ child. Christmas runs from December 25 for 12 days, ending on Epiphany, when Christians celebrate the arrival of the Wise Men to the manger.”
“Baptist? Dallas? That about says it all! These folks take themselves way too seriously. Look beyond your noses, people! God is a whole lot bigger than you think.”
The name of Christ is suffering because of your actions. The Bible doesn’t say to “invite hatred upon yourself” or “repay evil with evil.”
Your website states a desire to “keep Christmas everywhere.” The lack of grace and mercy demonstrates a proper manifestation of the salvific work that commenced with the holy birth.
I implore you, for the sake of Christ and the witness of Christians everywhere, for the sake of your own Christian witness to the city of Dallas, for the sake of Christ’s Kingdom, please put an end to this website.
Merry Christmas,