Feeling His prescence brought me great joy. I keep thinking of the last verse in 1 Thess. 4 which states, " Wherefore comfort one another with these words"(vs 18 to be exact...I looked it up)....
Look, I'm not basing my salvation on how much or how little I feel Him. I base it on the basis of His word and that He stated He would never leave us or forsake us. I take great joy, comfort, peace, and love in knowing this as a reality. Now, can you have great joy, peace, comfort, and love and not feel any of them?
When you say you have great joy, comfort, peace and love in KNOWING some great Bible truth about God, you are supporting MY hypothesis.
Joy, peace, comfort, etc... SHOULD result from pondering some great truth about God- particularly those truths revealed in Scripture.
But when somebody says they know God is in a place- not because the Bible says it- but because they
feel it- that is VERY problematic.
I feel joy in knowing that he is with me. But I can't say, "God is not at that church because I don't feel his Spirit but he is at that church because I do feel His Spirit."
That is totally unbiblical.
Feeling joy as a result of pondering truth is PERFECTLY biblical.
Having some extra sensory perception whereby you can discern whether or not God is in a place is absolutely UNBIBLICAL.
How many people have left good Bible preaching, Christ-exalting churches that didn't cater to the emotions because they have said, "You can't FEEL the Spirit in that place"?
And how many have left good bible believing churches to go to United Pentecostal Churches (cults that deny the Trinity and preach works salvation) because they "
felt the spirit" in those churches?
This sixth sense "feeling" the Spirit business is dangerous. It is an assault against Sola Scriptura. It is charismatic sewage that has sloshed over into baptist life.
I cannot tell you how many people I have counseled that have doubted their salvation NOT BECAUSE OF SOME LACK OF DEDICATION TO GOD ON THEIR PART but because they haven't "felt the Spirit" in a while.
It's awful. We ought to purge this charismatic thinking from our ranks post haste.