The Double Election doctrine can be compared with the Arminianism articles of Remonstrance, and with the points of Calvinism (TULIP) using the acronym ELECT.
The five articles of remonstrance
1. God has decreed to save through Jesus Christ those of the fallen and sinful race who through the grace of the Holy Spirit believe in him, but leaves in sin the incorrigible and unbelieving. (In other words predestination is said to be conditioned by God's foreknowledge of who would respond to the gospel)
2. Christ died for all men (not just for the elect), but no one except the believer has remission of sin.
3. Man can neither of himself nor of his free will do anything truly good until he is born again of God, in Christ, through the Holy Spirit. (Though accused of such, Arminius and his followers were not Pelagians.)
4. All good deeds or movements in the regenerate must be ascribed to the grace of God but his grace is not irresistible.
5. Those who are incorporated into Christ by a true faith have power given them through the assisting grace of the Holy Spirit to persevere in the faith. But it is possible for a believer to fall from grace.The five points of Calvinism (TULIP)
1. That fallen man was totally unable to save himself (Total Depravity)
2. That God's electing purpose was not conditioned by anything in man (Unconditional Election)
3. That Christ's atoning death was sufficient to save all men, but efficient only for the elect (Limited Atonement)
4. That the gift of faith, sovereignly given by God's Holy Spirit, cannot be resisted by the elect (Irresistible Grace)
5. That those who are regenerated and justified will persevere in the faith (Perseverance of the Saints)The five points of Double Election (ELECT)
1. Elections - God chose His Redeemer individually (Christ) and all those Christ would redeem corporately before the foundation of the world, the elections before time; and then chooses believers individually during their lifetime based on crediting their wholehearted faith in Christ, the second election.
2. Love overcomes depravity - Mankind is depraved from conception, separated from God by being in a state of sin with a corrupt flesh and a corrupt human spirit. But God, who understands the heart, accepts the faith, as depraved as it may be, of those who love and trust in His Son.
3. Effective reconciliation - Christ’s propitiation is sufficient to save all men, but the available reconciliation is only received, when God credits our faith as righteousness and spiritually baptizes us into Christ, making us spiritually alive together with Christ.
4. Cultivated call - Turning to God and trusting in Christ occur when receptive people hear the gospel and believe. Thus faith in Christ is spread by an external call to those who receive the gospel wholeheartedly.
5. Trust in Faith - Only by persevering in faith can a believer be sure of salvation, because God protects the faith of His chosen ones.In summary, Calvinists believe we were saved or condemned from all eternity for all eternity, nothing we do in our lifetime alters what God determined before creation. It is a form of religious fatalism. Arminians believe God foresaw who would choose to trust in Christ and elected them in eternity past. They assert that foreknowledge does not predestine the outcome of our freewill choice to accept the gospel or reject the gospel. Thus the opportunity for salvation is available to anyone who believes and God has not foreordained who can believe, making Limited Atonement false doctrine. The Double Election view generally agrees with the Arminian view, salvation is available to those who hear the gospel and choose to trust in Christ, thus total depravity is a false doctrine, and irresistible grace is a false doctrine. Additionally, God chooses folks that trust in Christ, therefore unconditional election is a false doctrine. On the other hand, the Double Election view accepts that once a person has been chosen and spiritually baptized into Christ and indwelt, sealed with a pledge to an inheritance of eternal life, the person’s faith is protected such that they will always love Jesus more than anything else, resulting in perseverance of those set apart.
The five articles of remonstrance
1. God has decreed to save through Jesus Christ those of the fallen and sinful race who through the grace of the Holy Spirit believe in him, but leaves in sin the incorrigible and unbelieving. (In other words predestination is said to be conditioned by God's foreknowledge of who would respond to the gospel)
2. Christ died for all men (not just for the elect), but no one except the believer has remission of sin.
3. Man can neither of himself nor of his free will do anything truly good until he is born again of God, in Christ, through the Holy Spirit. (Though accused of such, Arminius and his followers were not Pelagians.)
4. All good deeds or movements in the regenerate must be ascribed to the grace of God but his grace is not irresistible.
5. Those who are incorporated into Christ by a true faith have power given them through the assisting grace of the Holy Spirit to persevere in the faith. But it is possible for a believer to fall from grace.
1. That fallen man was totally unable to save himself (Total Depravity)
2. That God's electing purpose was not conditioned by anything in man (Unconditional Election)
3. That Christ's atoning death was sufficient to save all men, but efficient only for the elect (Limited Atonement)
4. That the gift of faith, sovereignly given by God's Holy Spirit, cannot be resisted by the elect (Irresistible Grace)
5. That those who are regenerated and justified will persevere in the faith (Perseverance of the Saints)
1. Elections - God chose His Redeemer individually (Christ) and all those Christ would redeem corporately before the foundation of the world, the elections before time; and then chooses believers individually during their lifetime based on crediting their wholehearted faith in Christ, the second election.
2. Love overcomes depravity - Mankind is depraved from conception, separated from God by being in a state of sin with a corrupt flesh and a corrupt human spirit. But God, who understands the heart, accepts the faith, as depraved as it may be, of those who love and trust in His Son.
3. Effective reconciliation - Christ’s propitiation is sufficient to save all men, but the available reconciliation is only received, when God credits our faith as righteousness and spiritually baptizes us into Christ, making us spiritually alive together with Christ.
4. Cultivated call - Turning to God and trusting in Christ occur when receptive people hear the gospel and believe. Thus faith in Christ is spread by an external call to those who receive the gospel wholeheartedly.
5. Trust in Faith - Only by persevering in faith can a believer be sure of salvation, because God protects the faith of His chosen ones.