In this type I would say the realization that they were naked before God denotes life.
You may be right on this point. In the OT, and even prior to the law being established, they were looking to the cross/Jesus, so you could be right. I need to study this a bit more, but a pretty valid point.
God spoke with a lot of characters in the bible such as Balaam and Nebedchenezer. You're drawing conclusions from passages that don't apply to being 'spiritually dead'. These are some wonderful types given for our edification.
Things like this I think establish my claim even more. Before anyone can truly hear the gospel, they must first be quickened, in y'alls system, and yet someone can hear God directly w/o any quickening whatsoever?(If I have misrepresented you please forgive me) Now, I think that Nebchudneezar may have finally gotten his act together after he had eaten "grass" for ,I think, seven seasons. He did seem to glorify God afterwards. But I could be wrong on this.
“lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever”,,, get it right.
You know what I really meant...:tongue:
God drove them out AFTER He had searched and found them, and shed the blood of the animal and clothed them with it's skin (redeemed by the blood of Christ and imputed with His righteousness).
I REALLY like this!! Very good point!! :thumbs::thumbs:
Yea, AFTER God had redeemed Israel from the house of bondage and brought them out Himself with a strong hand He swore in His wrath, because of their disobedience, that they would not enter into His rest.
They could not enter into rest because of lack of atonement, but due to their lack of believing(unbelief), Hebrews 2. That'a another topic altogether that someone needs to start a thread on....we haven't debated that in about 30 seconds on here, so someone please start another thread about lack of belief vs. lack of atonement.....NO, PLEASE DON'T!!! :laugh:
Again, you're drawing conclusions from passages that don't apply to being 'spiritually dead'.
Well, in y'alls system, w/o regeneration by the Spirit, no one can hear God. One must have life before they can understand anything whatsoever about the gospel. And yet, they can be unregenerated and hear every word that God says to them without any Spirit input. This is what seems to being said on hear. Maybe I am misunderstanding y'all, and if'n I am please forgive my ignorance about y'alls side of this debate. I am trying to ferret it out, but the deeper I dig, the foggier this thing gets.