I appreciate your post Icon. You are frank and honest.
I trust that you would not always assume that you should be on the opposite side of the coin as I am.
All on BB who have called upon the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation are brothers.
We can have sharp and vigorous debate and still be brothers.
If I got a run up into Canada and you were witnessing to a person, I would not under-cut your efforts, I would pray that the word you were offering would take rooteven if we have doctrinal differences. That persons soul is more important than our views.
Here on BB we are able to sharpen each others understanding. Sometime we destroy rather than build up, but sooner or later everyone recovers to midline so to speak.
We all have our strengths and weaknesses.
We are not together in a local body as such, but we are in the Kingdom{even if you might say a mystery form of the Kingdom} but these principles apply to kingdom members-
18 But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him.
21 And the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee: nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you.
Nay, much more those members of the body, which seem to be more feeble, are necessary:23 And those members of the body, which we think to be less honourable, upon these we bestow more abundant honour; and our uncomely parts have more abundant comeliness.
For our comely parts have no need: but God hath tempered the body together, having given more abundant honour to that part which lacked.25
That there should be no schism in the body; but that the members should have the same care one for another.
I am coming to understand that what you are saying is: you can articulate the pretrib position well because that is your former position. But the amil position is still a bit confusing because you are still in the process of learning about it??
Yes sort of. When I was taught and learned the premill position initially I was told that if anyone denied these teachings they might not be saved...avoid them.
At a bible study one man who came out was a Lutheran of all things...but he was a Christian. He was amillenial. I would hound him week after week near the end of each study and accuse him of symbolizing every thing. he stood his ground and assured me that he was looking for Jesus to return as I was.
Then I started reading other Christian men and looked at what they understood. I rejected most all of it for a long time. Then I spent two years studying the book of Hebrews. many of my understandings were forced to change....scripturally. It is still a work in progress....
Not a chance Icon. In fact, as soon as I am ordering Dave Hunt's book, "What Love is This." I believe he has the proper perspective on Calvinism. Can you refute his book?
While he is sincere and a scholar. I am very confident I can refute anything he has to offer. In fact feel free to cut and paste, or post as much of His book as you can, I will publically respond to anything he offers in my own words and scriptures primarily:wavey:
You made my point here very well. They are both gifted. As you said about MacArthur he is very consistent.
Yes I respect both Dr.Bob, and JMac. They are sinners saved by grace who God uses to further his Kingdom. look at Dr.Bob...apart from God's grace we would see his face on a wanted poster at the post office:laugh:
Yet at the same time he is wrong and you are right. That would cause me to have second thoughts about the position you are taking
This I find very interesting.You have great respect for John M.....so much so that because I do not agree with him on one area....end times and you suggest that I should take that into consideration.
Now let's turn that around for one minute DHK.....you have respect for him ... and yet you disagree with him on Calvinism, and Lordship. Would it be fair to say you have twice as much to consider than I do????
I don't find that to be a true statement. Maybe that is your experience; it seems to be a road that you have taken. The books by LaHaye, and others who were even more sensational than he, have not turned me away from the truth at all. The have only made me to be concerned about being sensational in both preaching and writing. The Bible is our guide.
I agree the bible is our guide. It was not the over the top sensationalists that swayed me....it is the overabundance of prophetic texts that forced to reconsider what I thought I knew.
If someone takes a certain position to an extreme that doesn't make the basic position wrong. There are many amil people who are reprobates. But that doesn't make you one.
I have read some of Pink's commentary. I couldn't read very much of it. Much of it is nonsense. He finds a type under every nut, leaf, tree, etc. If he could he would make the punctuation marks represent something (there were none in the originals).
Agreed...I have found the same thing.Pink started out premill. When he switched he went off isolating himself from other godly men.His writings in the gleaning series were over the top...he said three levels in the ark represented the trinity??? His commentary on Hebrews was good.His book on the Sovereignty of God,and the atonement were classic.
The Bible says exactly what happened.
Joseph said, "IN MY DREAM, the sun, moon and stars bowed down to me." So, no, they did not bow down to him. It was a dream! But his father knew the interpretation and was indignant as he replied:
"Shall your mother and I, and your brothers bow down and do obeisance to you!" And he was rebuked.
However, the dream was prophetic, and it did come to pass in Joseph's lifetime. It was completely fulfilled and there is no need to look any further.
It was a dream yes.....but in the dream, the sun moon and stars represented something other than the sun moon and stars.
In several OT passages...the celestial bodies are symbols for government or rulers changing . This is consistently the case. That means we cannot dismiss it lightly as if the Holy Spirit did not communicate it to us in that form of language. He did so we need to exhaust all possibilities to come to truth.
With allegory you can make the Bible say anything you want it to say.
I have heard some of the strangest interpretations.
Like you said earlier extreme nut cases should not discredit legitimate attempts to sort through truth.
I observe. I believe the Bible. God meant what he said. I am not a conspiracist. Your interpretations lend one to believe in hidden conspiracies, gnostic truths, buried allegories, etc. God never spoke to his people that way
Galatians 4 comes to mind right away....Isa 5-mt21, all the parables
78 Give ear, O my people, to my law: incline your ears to the words of my mouth.
2 I will open my mouth in a parable: I will utter dark sayings of old:
3 Which we have heard and known, and our fathers have told us
and in Jn16
25 These things
have I spoken unto you in proverbs: but the time cometh,
when I shall no more speak unto you in proverbs, but I shall shew you plainly of the Father
Is that verifiable by Charles Taze Russel or Ellen G. White?
Just what source are you using to validate this so-called fact?
One cannot state something as fact and not be able to verify it.
The Apostle John wrote in 90 A.D. and said:
Behave yourself.
You are right; after having re-read the OP perhaps I should have stayed out of the conversation.
Well... most of the amill guys did not want to mix it up here...so I do not mind some thread drift....you are not trying to derail the thread like some who have made a habit of doing that in times past.
Again, I appreciate your spirit and honesty in posting,
I do not have any secrets or hidden agenda...we are to let our yes be yes, and our no be no as believers.
I don't think I would be disappointed either. We may be on the opposite side of the eschatological fence, but I am sure that you are a good witness for the Lord.
believeing what I do about God's eternal purpose I believe every person I meet each day is by Divine appointment and I pray for the chance to turn most every conversation toward Spiritual things.
While I debate and dispute here.when I speak face to face with people it is all about God's law being broken, God's provision for sinners in the blood of the cross, and that persons need to flee to Christ. I get a wide range of reactions.
At the truckstops other drivers come by thinking I am looking at porn on the computer. This has provided many chances to speak about sin,as I am downloading from sermonaudio. or posting on here, or reading a puritan or two.
Yeah those drivers do not see it coming, but the Spirit of God convicts them and they quickly try to cover up with religious ideas as a covering for the sin they already confessed they were seeking...
I meet my share of cultists, fallen women, drug users, even very respectable sinners......I pray for the people that God would like me to interact with...he provides many opportunities.
6 I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.
7 So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase.
8 Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour.