"Calvinism" is the Gnostic heresy reborn under a different moniker.What is Calvinism and Arminianism?
I'm asking what each means so I know where I fall on this debate.
"Arminianism" is the attempt to bring Theology back to a reasonable and sound account whilst simultaneously accepting the endemic Gnosticism which is endemic in "Calvinist" Theology.
Both "Arminianism" and "Calvinism" are Gnostic errors which crept into Western Theology and they are a false account of the nature of sin and humanity and they ignore what the Scriptures teach entirely.
The Scriptures teach that sin is the "transgression of the law".
1Jo 3:4 - Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.
Calvinists ignore the Scriptural data on that point and define sin as a disease that infects persons.
Arminians also fall into that error.
Both ideas are Gnostic heresies.