Originally posted by BobRyan:
You have pointed out a rejection of the NATION of Edom after CENTURIES of rebellion.
And obviously (as stated repeatedly) this is in the sense where "hate" is merely a statement about the outcome and comparison.
For example Saints are to "HATE parents" Luke 14.
And in the case of Hosea 9 and 11 Ephraim is HATED and THEN we see that God is WEEPING over them with "ALL HIS COMPASSIONS stirred".
This is the kind of "hate" Calvinism pretends to ignore.
Originally posted by Jarthur001:
ok...then God hates a people. It changes nothing does it?
When the context is PAST history - where the rebellion principle that APPLIES TO BOTH the saved and the lost is in play then "hate" as in the case of Ephraim where ALL COMPASSIONS are stirred up over the one supposedly hated is takes on a non-Calvinist meaning.
Bob said --
At the time Malachi was writing - Israel was the servant of Persia. TO BE Later subjects of Greece and then of Rome and THEN WIPED OUT as a Theocracy.
This is mentioned as the "Israel that is LOVED"!!
And in fact Malachi 1 starts with Israel QUESTIONING that conclusion
James said
yep..i know..i think i told you that
Ahhh but this is SUPPOSED to be the perfect example of the arbitrary nature of God in SELECTING one to love and the other to hate WITHOUT respect to history.
Seeing them BOTH CURSED seems to wipe out that Calvinist argument.
Bob said --
A theocracy that will never return ...
So devastating is this point that Paul in Romans 9 argues for the INDIVIDUAL basis for OT PROMISES made to the NATION of Israel.
James said --
Paul argues that God is fair in choose one nation over another. get it now?
Paul does not argue that God is CHOOSING one nation over the other - because in Malachi 1 their history is PAST and God is SHOWING the FAIR and IMPARTIAL basis on which their history has progressed.
The SAME prinicple of "curses and blessings" given in Deuteronomy is in play for BOTH!
The SAME principle applied to BOTH the saved and the lost as seen in Romans 11.
The SAME principle applied to BOTH Israel and the surrounding nations as SHOWN in LEv 18 and 20.
Already posted!!
Bob says said
You then cling to this notion of Edom being hated (as a nation) AS THOUGH this accomplishes the arbitrary selection for hatred (or hatred AT ALL) when in fact it SHOWS that God is displeased with rebellion and those that choose rebellion.
Again - the SAME principle applied to BOTH the saved and the lost!! As seen in Romans 2. 1Cor 6, Romans 8, Lev 20, Lev 18, ...
God has chosen that IMPARTIAL model - and His choice stands! Proven! Revealed in history!
James said
I CLING in all my post that God can do as he wishes.
Well - at least we can agree on that.
ARBITRARY?? who said this? you always claim i do...and what do i say? I say WRONG BOBBY. God choice was in mercy. now before God and this board...is that not what i say?? BOB??
You spin Romans 9 trying to "Get it" to say that God selected Esau to HATE as an infant - arbitrarily of course since Esau was just an infant.
You spin Romans 9 to trying to get it to ALSO say that God "selected Edom to hate" apart from any history or any impartial principle applied to BOTH Israel and Edom.
(I keep pointing that out).
Bob said --
But as we have already seen regarding the wicked THAT PERISH - God WEEPS over them !!
In fact as noted "ALL His compassions are stirred up" over the one "hated".
This is a kind of "hate" that is ingored by Calvinists here.
Yes he weeps of the city that does not want him. I do not say he does not.
So what kind of "hate" is that?
Bob..i mean this. I think you owe me a retraction of that last statement.
James - calm down. When I said "in the place where you seek only to find hate" I am specifically referring to Edom and Esau and NOT to Jacob and Israel.
IF you have been posting "The LOVE of GOD for Esau and Edom" I have missed it.
Go ahead and post the link to those affirmations regarding Esau and Edom and God's unfailing love for them that you have been promoting -- and I will retract that statement in a heartbeat.
Nothing to link to??
In Christ,